Mission 8:Report to Nezu and All Might's Offer

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~~~~~~~Izuku POV~~~~~~~~~~

As the next match started up, I made my way to the control panel and removed the jammer crushing it in my hand. Only one person noticed, looking towards them I nodded. They'd make the report to Parabellum, and investigate further. They would look into Bakugou's recent actions and see if there is any connections to any known villains or villain groups.

Bakugou was now a marked man, that little stunt of excessive force can't be ignored. If it were up to me, I'd have killed him on the spot. He only got off with a few broken bones due to being a student. My orders were to protect the students, not kill them. Its a hassle, but orders are orders.

If nothing pops up during the investigation and he remembers this lesson, he'll still have a chance to save himself. Its up to him to save his skin now. 

I'll have to report this to Nezu, there is no way he didn't notice the signals being jammed. I bet he'll summon me after class either way.

Ojiro:" Hey Midoriya can I ask you were you learned to fight like that? Your movements were flawless and your timing perfect."

Mina:" Yeah! Also why do your eyes glow like that? Is it part of your quirk?"

"Sure Ojiro, I learned to fight from my "Father" Hizashi Midoriya." I look over at All-Might who was listening in instead of doing his damn job. He flinched as I looked at him and returned his attention to the match.

"He's a martial arts instructor that trains VIPs for the government." I smirked as I technically didn't lie to my new friends. " As for my eyes thats part of my Warlord ability." Mina looked at me confused before asking.

Mina:" What do you mean  Warlord ability? I thought you said your quirk was called Realize?"

"My quirk is called Realize while my ability is Warlord." She just stared blankly, tilting her head in confusion.

Izumi:"...... Are you saying you have two quirks?" The room froze, what Izumi asked was considered impossible. I felt everyone looking at me, but only one set showed fear. I knew why, and it pissed me off more.

"No, of course not. I don't have a second quirk, its impossible to have two quirks. My Warlord ability is what a regular person can do once you remove the body's limiters." I looked at my classmates and explained further

 " I used my quirk Realize to modify my body to produce adrenaline on command so I basically force my body to remove my limiters."

"Anyways enough about me, you all should watch the match." I said pointing to screens.

~~~~~~~Timeskip/Nezu's office~~~~~~

"Why is HE here Nezu?" I was livid, after classes ended for the day as I expected Nezu called me in. What I didn't expect was to be in the same room as All-might outside of class. I decided to say fuck it and turned to leave.

Nezu:" Izuku I hate to do this but I order you to give your report about today. All-Might is here as he is on the need to know list." Fucking hell, now I couldn't leave. I turned back to Nezu, moved my feet shoulder width apart and interlocked both hands in the small of my back. I stood at ease and started giving my report

 I stood at ease and started giving my report

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A/N At ease pose^

"During todays battle training, I, Captain Izuku Midoriya, callsign: Arclight engaged in less than lethal combat with the UA student Known as Katsuki Bakugou. During said training exercise, Student Bakugou used an excessive amount of force that would have been lethal to anyone other than myself."

" I deemed it necessary to incapacitate him, as he was a danger to the other students in the training exercise. I jammed the signal to the control room in order to keep the other students out of the loop until a decision is reached in regards to the treatment of student Bakugou."

Nezu:" You definitely incapacitated him, both arms broken in 13 different places, both legs with 7 different breaks, and four broken ribs. Do you have anything else to add?"

"Just two things sir, first since he tried to kill a classmate as is my mission. He has been marked for investigation. Second and more importantly I regret nothing." I relaxed as I ended my report, Nezu looked sad knowing what it meant if parabellum found something.

Nezu:" Katsuki Bakugou's punishment for now will be extra lessons and dorm duty. I would be harsher if not for the fact, that you already taught him a painful lesson. If anything turns up during Parabellum's investigation..... I'll hand him over directly to you."

"Thank you for understanding." I knew how hard it must be for nezu to make that decision " Now if you'll excuse me." I tried to leave but was stopped by Nezu

Nezu:" Izuku, I know you don't want to talk to him, but this is about dealing with a major threat."

"Fine...... I'll listen to what you have to say All-Might but nothing else outside this threat." I stared at him as he lowered his head in shame and sadness. I knew he truly regretted what he did to me, but unlike Izumi, he was an adult and the so called symbol of peace. 

He knew better, he let power get to his head and forgot those at the bottom. Those he swore to protect with a smile, this damn hypocrite.

All-Might:"........Do you remember the man who took you?" I scoffed pointing at my left eye 

"Its kinda hard to forget the man who ripped out my left eye after I bit him. Did I forget to mention the two years he tortured me, trying to break my will. All so he could make me his successor, just to use me to kill you. Of course I remember All For One."

All-Might:" .............I'll get to the point, I want you to inherit my quirk. My transformation time is getting shorter and this power is needed to defeat All For One."

" I was a fool,  I became the symbol of peace in order to protect everyone and yet I couldn't protect my own son. Izuku, please take my quirk One-For-All and do what I failed to, save everyone."

Izuku:".............. If I were to accept what would I need to do?" I watched as All-Might plucked a strand of his hair

All-Might:" Eat this.......... you need to have my DNA in order for it to be passed on." I reached out taking the strand into my hand. I looked towards All-Might smiling at him

Izuku:" I Absolutely refuse. I hate the fact half my DNA is made of up yours, I refuse to add anymore." I crafted a lighter and burned the strand of hair. " Do you think giving me your quirk now changes anything you've done?"

" You can go fuck yourself, I have my own power, I'm not the worthless kid you threw away. You had your successor chosen already right? I might not have understood what AFO meant that night, but I learned. Give it to Izumi, while I still hate her at least she was a kid who didn't know better." and with that I stormed off heading to the dorms.

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