CHAPTER 10|| 1-10

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Draco Malfoy POV

Last day at school

the train was moving already we are heading back at our home, im in the compartment with Crabbe and Goyle, they were all happy and cheerful while going back, '' im going to miss this place-'' Goyle said while his mouth was full of candies, and i am certainly not gonna miss them

I left and excused myself, away from them, I looked around everywhere, any where I could sit other than with those two I needed more time to be at peace where it's silent

Blaise, Pansy and the others already have a full seat besides they were also being very loud I really needed somewhere I could be at peace

I then saw seats, no one was there, I entered, finally it was peaceful, I enjoyed every second of it I thought I had finally find a place to stay until I saw a girl infront of me

"Malfoy" she said annoyed as she opened the door to the seats, she stood there

"What are you doing here, get out you , my father can't see me with you" I told her angrily as I crossed my arms

"And why is that?" She asked furiously "My father hates mudbloods they think they are a disgrace and a waste of space in the wizarding world" I told her directly

"Well then you father is mistaken" she replied "and give it a rest Malfoy, some even don't really know I'm a Mudblood, you bring it everytime, a lot of my friends don't even know or even dare to ask" she reasoned as I just covered my ears

"You know what's funny? You're so entitled you think-" she insulted

"The entitlement is well deserved, and also why do you say that? It's not like you arent a mudblood that acts like a complete know-it-all brat" I replied

"talk about being such an entitled prick when your father literally assumes everyone who doest know him is a Muggleborn" she replied

I then remembered me and my dad's first encounter with her and her Father at the Diagon Alley

"He works for the ministry, ofcourse he will think everyone will know us, We are 'the Malfoys' Everglow, maybe it's the Mudblood in you that is an ignorant to our power in the wizarding world" I told her

"Mudblood or not that doesnt account for you having such a big-ego Malfoy you think everyone is wrapped around your pathetic little finger" she told me angrily

"Says you" I replied "now leave my compartment" I told her furiously

"No, you leave MY compartment Malfoy, I was here first" she replied as she pointed out a bag that I never noticed when I entered, it has her initial in it

"I just left for a few seconds to check on someone" she said "now stop being such a foul git, sit down quietly if you want to stay here" she told me as she sat down and opened a book in her hands

To be honest this year was far different than I expected

But the one that suprised me the most is, I kind of can tolerate being around her than being with those two, Crabbe and Goyle

Now don't get me wrong I still hate her but atleast she doesn't annoy me as much as those two does

Me and Everglow however, I really am just not comfortable with the fact that I'm with a Mudblood, like I was ingrained to hate them since the day my father carried me into this world

And on the plus side Her being a mudblood is only known by a few, and those where the few that heard what I said on the first day of school

Its still embarrassing, I feel like I'm betraying what my father stands for, it's disgusting, what's more disgusting is I actually kinda don't care if she is

I just sat there in silence with her, as she read her book,

After that forbidden forest detention, both of us became more civil, and more accepting of each other company, and it was infuriating because she's not entirely Disgusting as much as my father painted her out to be

You know, the whole Mudbloods are a disgrace in the wizarding world, All of them

"Can I atleast pull the blinds down? I asked her "no offense but i really don't wanna be seen with you"

"Good, because I also don't wanna be seen with you" she replied as she turned down the blinds

I just narrowed my eyes at her, I let myself sleep, and rest everything is quiet

It's just me and her

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