Rewrite the Stars

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You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me
So don't keep sayin' our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
And fate is pullin' you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?

Argo City, Five Years Ago.

Lena came to with the strange sensation of weightlessness and blessed cold, struggling against heavy eyelids as her head lolled against something hard. Eyelashes fluttering, a small groan slipped out from between chapped lips as she straightened out a bent leg, the sloshing sound of water reaching her ears.

Blinking herself back to consciousness, she took in the rippling clear water she lay submerged in with confusion, slowly becoming aware of the gentle brush of ice against her skin as her sodden clothes hung heavily off her buoyed body. She fully came to with a large splash as she bolted upright, pale hands gripping the curled sides of the clawfoot tub. 

Lips trembling, Lena reached up and brushed wet strands of hair out of her face, blinking owlishly as ice bobbed in the ebbing of the small waves her abruptness had created. A shiver ran through her as her knuckles whitened where she clutched the tub, and her eyes landed on the figure that stood nervously in the doorway.

What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours

Cape swishing around her calves as she moved towards the tub and dropped down to one knee, Kara looked at her with wide, anxious eyes, teeth worrying at her bottom lip as she gripped the side of the tub.

"Hey," Kara murmured, relief and shy warmth coloring her tone, "you're awake."

 "What- how did I-"

With a wan smile, Kara gave her a scrutinizing once-over as Lena trembled in the icy bath water, feeling blue from the cold, yet mercifully refreshed and clear-headed. Wiping water off her face, Lena felt her cool skin as she kept her sharp eyes trained warily on Kara.

"You fainted," Kara told her with a sheepish smile then continued, "what do you remember?"

Lena stopped to hark back her memories, "i- I was going into labour and you were there and---oh my- where is she?"

That is how Luna Belle Luthor-Zor El was born.


Lena felt suffocated.

She wasn't comfortable with the way Kara looked at her or how she tried to touch her or the mere proximity to Kara. Lena knew this feeling had nothing to do with Kara, this was all on her. For reasons she couldn't explain her body felt disconnected from her. After giving birth she was left with this sacked, empty shell. Although Kara still called her a work of art and beauty, she didn't feel that way. She was a creature sculptured from the mud of the earth.

Unappealing and undesirable but still functional.

This turmoil she was in, started to strain their relationship. Lena was always distant when Kara tried to touch her. There was no intimacy in their relationship anymore. Only distance.

The Luthor didn't even open up to the Danvers anymore. She pushed her away and on the other side, Kara gave up after failed attempts on trying to reconnect with Lena.

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