Chapter 48: That Fucker

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Draco's POV:

I refused to leave Epona's side overnight in case she woke up confused. She didn't. 

I had left to speak with August, because Madam Pomfrey told us to let her rest and stop accusing people of anything until she wakes up. Because she's going to wake up.

August looked worse than I did. His usually neat hair was all over the place and visibly nodded. He looked at me, his brown eyes pleading, "I-It can't've been Phineas. We've been friends since our first year here..."

I rubbed my temples and looked him in the eye, "August, Just think about this for a minute. Why do you think you never told him you were gay?"

August's face became paler than the color it had already dropped, "D-Did Effie tell you?"

"No. I figure things out. Back to what I was saying, August. Why was it so easy to tell Effie about your secret, but you couldn't tell the guy who you had been friends with for five years?"

His eyes flooded with confusion, "I-I I don't know. Effie gives off this warm trusting feel to her."

"And Phineas doesn't. You've known the guy is a rat fucking bastard since the day you both met. Your subconscious knew he couldn't be trust, and now it's been proven right."

August's face darkened in a way I had never seen before. The usually happy guy went to dark real quick, so I spoke, "Your friend did horrible things to he-"

"He's not my friend." August looked at me as a smirk grew on my face, "He deserves to rot in hell with the rest of his scum of a family."

Third Person POV:

Draco and the Golden Trio had reported to Dumbledore the actions of Phineas, including the letter from Cedric and USB containing the recording of Epona telling what Phineas did to her. Along with Pansy admitting she saw him sprinkle something into Epona's food. He said he was taking action, and Phineas Brown was to be looked into further and have a trial at the Ministry before expulsion.

Draco was walking down through the Great Hall when Phineas intercepted him. The year before, Phineas was much taller than him. But now, Draco was the same height, if not taller. His icy grey eyes had a menacing look in them as Phineas glared.

"You think you can fucking touch me? You have no proof that I did anything." Phineas spat, "And who do you think they're going to believe more, me a straight A student with no background of causing trouble, or you, a deceitful Slytherin and son of a proud Death Eater?"

Draco just smirked, "You're so right, Phineas. Look at how smart you are, but I'd hate, actually no I'd love to tell you that it's not just me. You're going up against the Golden Trio, August Sommars, Cassia Blanc, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, and pretty much the entirety of the Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. Oh, and the victim herself."

Pansy spoke up, "Because you see, us Slytherins can be assholes to whoever want, including each other. But whether we like them or not, a Slytherin is a Slytherin. So if you fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us."

He scoffed, "Oh please. Potter won't say anything against me. She's terrified of me. She's completely under my control."

"Sweetheart, I suggest you take that back." A girls voice called, and the crowd that had formed made way for her.

Epona walked through the crowd, and Draco gulped. Her usually messy hair was tied back into a tight high ponytail with even the hair in her ponytail neater that it's ever been. Her black eyeliner was done in a perfect wing, and when she lifted her hand to her shoulder to flick back her hair, her nails were painted black. 

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