15-Leave me Alone

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"WELL WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?" I looked at Tony waiting for an explanation "COME ON I DONT HAVE ALL DAY." I feel my eyes go bright green. 


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"Well...um...Bruce is talking bad about you and Tony and um the rest of us kind of snapped and we all started arguing and stuff then you walked... and your e-eyes are cool," Peter said while blushing staring at me. Aww he is so cute my small baby spider. NO focus Storm. 

"Thanks," i said to him.

"How do your eyes do that? Explain?," Bruce asked trying friendly.

"No, you talked shit about me the turn around trying to friend," i said reading his mind seeing how much I'm a threat to him. I hear the girls laughing. "You just want to know what I'm capable of and then try to make something to use against me."

"H-how did you know that?" Bruce asked me super confused and embarrassed.

"Wait WHAT SHE WAS SAYING WAS TRUE!" Nat yelled. "maybe" he whispered.

"Okay well this is annoying I'm just going to go," i said not wanting to see another fight about me. 

*GOD LOOK AT YOU! You already started fights soon people will be picking sides and it will be all your fault*. I get outside still think not noticing that i have been followed. I feel my powers turning in my stomach. I know I'm about to lose control i have to do something before i hurt someone and get in trouble. 

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