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Her hands tighten their grip on the bedsheets. Her lips pressing into each other. Legs kicking in the air. She cries out as Jungsuk clutches her back to his front.


He settles her in between his legs. Hands preventing her from sprinting away. Cries did make it around the room but he quickly shut them down. Breathing unsteadily in her ear he quickly says. "Inhale and exhale!"

His one hand loses itself to caress the straights of hair, then arms, cheeks.

After her breath gets normal she takes a deep whiff and blurted out. "Tell me y-you did hear her screams... her muffle-led screams."

"Why they were m-muffled?" The tired sigh she is used to coming out again. Her eyes close as tears arrives at them.

"I h-heard it... And this time I'm going to talk to him."

Voice, words fill with determination but could he do it? Is he going to change his mind? Is he going to even listen?


As soon as Dea falls asleep Ha-Joon tucks her under the warm blanket and turns off the lamp. She quickly becomes tired due to all the struggling she had put in some minutes earlier. Also, her body is still weak, muscles, not only them but the mind too.

He had some ideas to help straighten up her sense but it wasn't the right time. Soon.

With the empty cup in his hand, he opens the door and slams it shut behind him.

He meets the eyes of Jungsuk. "What are you doing here?" Asked Ha-Joon caught off guard. He doesn't expect to see anyone near their room. He told everyone to stay away.

Ha-Joon can see the hesitation to talk so he says. "You came here because you wanted something, or...?"

"Umm... yeah. I heard someone s-screaming." A pause. After licking his lips he raises another question. "W-was it perhaps Dea?"

By his stuttering, Ha-Joon understands he had heard her and is not going to step back until he knows she is alright.

"Everything is okay. Yes, Dea screamed but because she fell in the bathroom and got scared." He plays along to make him believe everything is good, and it will be, to leave both of them alone.

Unsure of how to answer he decides to says. "Oh? O-Okay?" Deep down he knows something or even everything is wrong but doesn't dare to ask more.

Ha-Joon nods and walks away. Jungsuk stays for a good two minutes in front of the door, thinking, reckoning about all the things going on around them. He even for a moment is looking to come in and check on Dia, but he quickly gives up. He starts walking and thinks about how Ha-Joon is so obsessed with helping Dea, maybe even with the whole of her.

Before they moved into the small house, Ha-Joon warned everyone that he is going to take care of her and no one else.

I remember hearing him saying something like 'It should be that way...?'

But was it that? Did I hear right? Did he say something else or more?

Jungsuk doesn't remember what he said, it doesn't matter. None of this is going to matter anytime soon...


In just a few minutes, the sun takes slight hiding and the sky turned black. A cold wind blew and gradually intensifies to stronger and colder. The weather is breaking. It is like there is going to be a very dangerous storm. The storm that will destroy everything.

The trees are shaking a little bit. Although they are on top of the small hill, she can see the people of the village rushing home to cover themselves. She is still sitting on the porch, her eyes looking everywhere.

I haven't seen a storm in such a long time!

How it will be this time?

Is it gonna be scary, destroying like any other time?

Jungsuk interrupts her thoughts by opening the front door, saying. "Hey, you should come back inside."

Yeri doesn't answer nor move. She doesn't notice him looking at her for minutes straight. He doesn't know how long he is staring from inside. Maybe he wants to leave her alone, he knows she needs it, but maybe because of what Ha-Joon had said earlier; both of them needed time.

"There will be a storm." He warns her even though he already knows because he hears the news but still wants to say that out loud to remind her. Still, there isn't a reply. He decides to do it in his way.

Jungsuk steps out and takes a seat near her a bit trembling form. He raises a question. "In this area, the storms are something quite often. Did you know this?"

In the corner of his eyes, he sees how she quickly looks up to him but also pretty fast looks away. He glances forward and continues. "It is interesting." The boy knows he gets her interest and once he gets it she can't do anything about it but be desperate.

"Yeri we should go inside." He says sounding serious which is surprising. He is not like this usually. "You're trembling. C'mon!"

Grabbing her from behind she yelps as he lifts her torso.

Was he fast or was she too much into the weather?

As soon as they come back into the house he drops her on the couch like a sack of potatoes. Her head angrily turns to him, ready to scream, to fight back but he quickly shut all her intentions by bending down and pecking her lips a few times.

Yeri annoyingly whirls away and tells him. "You're so childish!"

"But you like me that way!"

"No, I don't!"

"Oh c—

He was about to continue with the teasing but Hyun-Shik had already entered the living room.

"You guys are so annoying."

"Jungsuk is more annoying." Says Yeri with confidence, the confidence Jungsuk likes so much. Even though this time he didn't like it.

He is in shock. "Wait. What?" Hyun-Shik and Yeri laugh at him. He is about to say something but they hear Ha-Joon coming and saying.

"Dea would be joining us tonight?

"Why? Really?" Yeri jumps with joy, forgetting about how empty she was minutes ago. Jungsuk smiles at her.

"Yes, so everyone please behave yourselves."

"Okay, I'll for sure." Promises Yeri.

"For you, I know but I'm talking about Hyun-Shik." He points with his head towards him.

Hyun-Shik quickly widens his eyes and defends himself. "Oh, don't worry I'll behave." But it is fake defenses and all of them noticed.

Ha-Joon ignores him and starts walking to the kitchen to prepare the food. He thinks of how he should tell Dea to come and have dinner with them or more like how she would react.

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