t h i r t y

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One year earlier

I WAS GOING TO KILL WHOEVER WAS BANGING ON MY DOOR. Ten o'clock in the morning was too gods-damned early to be waking me up. Especially considering I was cranky. Very cranky.

I stomped up the door. Reighla was gone, she had things to do and had told me last night she'd be gone all day. So it was just me and whoever decided it was a good idea to bang on my door. Clearly they didn't realize they had a psychotic assassin on the other end ready to bash their head in for waking them. I prayed it wasn't Emile, I really didn't feel like shouting at him this early in the morning.

I was on vacation! I was allowed to sleep in for once. Being in Minette's Band came with some perks, but this was definitely one of the downsides. No sleep. My sleep schedule at home was horrendous. Getting whatever little sleep could be offered and taking it graciously. It hadn't mattered what time of day it was. Sleep was sleep. And that's all I needed. And someone was really testing me. This is all I had wanted. To get away and sleep.

But nooo.

And I had a feeling of who was waiting for me outside that door.

With a hideous scowl plastered on my lips I wrenched open the door, glaring and groaning at the cocky-ass grins waiting for me on the other side of the door.

"What do you want," I snarled. Landon pouted. "Someone really isn't a morning person, huh?"

I bared my teeth before attempting to slam the door in their smug faces. It was too early to deal with them. I needed a heavy dose of caffeine in me before talking to them. Opium would've been another great option. Being as high as a kite. But, of course, I did not have that luxury.

Kam's foot caught in the door. I pulled back and glared. "Yes?"

He snorted before raising two things in his hand, both from Gennie's pastry shop—the place we went yesterday that Emile recommended. In Kam's left hand was a bag filled with pastries, no doubt. The other was a tray, cups with hot beverages in them. I raised a brow. "Tea or coffee?" I queried. Here came the real test. If it was correct I'd let them in.

He smiled, "Tea."

I wanted to smack him for how well he seemed to know me but also kiss him for bringing tea instead of coffee. I hated coffee. I preferred tea, but I don't like it too sweet. Just a spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk. That's all I needed. It would have been even better if it was—

"Earl grey," he said pointing to two of the drinks. "And green."

I bit back my moan and begrudgingly opened the door. I'd pester him later on how he knew my two favourite flavours, but for now I was going to accept it gratefully.

Kam smirked and gave a slight bow before walking in, Landon trailing after but not without winking at me first. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind them. Why were they here? Yesterday was somewhat okay, but I hadn't realized we became friends. I'm not exactly sure we did, but they're here and I'm too tired to fight them. Not without my tea first.

Kam walked over to the settee and set the tray and bag down, he began to pull out the drinks and delicately placed them on the glass coffee table. Landon flopped down on the couch behind him. I strolled over to the armchair opposite of them and plopped down.

"Care to explain," I drawled, leaning back into the comfy chair whilst draping my legs across the arm. Kam raised his head, eyes looking at me through his lowered lashes. "We brought breakfast," he stated.

I deadpanned. "I can see that."

Landon snorted from behind his cousin. "Someone's grumpy."

"Do not start with me, pervert, it is too fucking early to deal with your bullshit, you foul mouthed—"

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