Aylin: Announcment

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 When we entered the pavilion, my mouth almost dropped. Almost.

The lights did most of the work even if there wasn't any electricity. The main sources were medium size fires in bowls in every corner. In the centre of the area was a great campfire. Trying to take all that in I nearly missed Bianca saying sadly:

'See you after dinner.'

I was still staring in awe, taking in the sight. There were around 150 people of different genders, ages and colours. They were sitting at assigned tables of which number matched the number of cabins. Other than the demigods, there were satyrs and nymphs running around giving people full plates and cups. After a while in the crowd, I realized that my guide has vanished. I looked around and noticed that she was sitting at a table with a couple of other kids. And in this group I recognised Thea. She was acting like a leader of the group sitting in the middle of the bench and talking to everyone. I guess that would be adequate to the fact that she was the senior counsellor. Bianca on the other hand was quietly sitting on the side, poking her food with a fork. She didn't look like she was going to eat any of it.

'New girl!' shouted someone from the long table at the back. I looked in that direction. It was the weird man wearing a leopard-print shirt from before. I didn't see the centaur Chiron with him. This made me slightly more worried which I didn't thought was possible at this point. 'Come here!'

Ignoring my concerns I followed his directions and approached the table hoping to get some answers there. On my way I caught some eyes staring at me. I didn't like that. In fact, I didn't enjoy this place that much anymore because of the crowd. During our travel, my brother and I encountered many social workers and families who offered a "safe place for the lost". They were never correct. We never stayed for long. As I was slowly walking to the table, I was already crafting a plan of how to get out of this place. But for it to work, I needed Calvin to be here with me. To make sure my brother's ok.

'Took you long enough.' the man muttered under his breath when I arrived. I stared at him, not knowing what to do next. 'What, are you waiting for an invite? Sit down!' he commanded.

Sitting at the dinner table with the weird man (who I found out is called Mr D) surrounded by satyrs and nymphs was not ideal, but at least I got free food. After refusing to scrape a part of it into the fire and throwing in a single M&M I saved for a special ocasion instead, I tried asking a few questions.

'You're Dionysus, right?' I asked after inspecting him closely. He choked a bit on his drink but quickly recovered.

'You are a smart one, aren't ya? Yes, I am Dionysus, the god of wine. Why are you asking?'

'If you are a god, what are you doing here?' I continued calmly. He gave me a very annoyed look.

'Look kid, normally I would explain everything but today is not that day since you showed up. You will have to find out some other way.' He looked away. I wanted to ask him about Chiron and my brother, but I felt he didn't have all the answers. In fact, I questioned if he had any answers at all. I decided to wait for them to come and I didn't need to do that for long. 

I heard the sound of a horse coming in our direction and as I looked up from my empty plate I saw Chiron and a couple of satyrs who were carrying my things. I instantly stood up from the table and rushed in their direction. When they noticed I was coming, they slowed down to meet me.

'Do you have him?' I asked before the centaur could say anything.

'Aylin?' a small, sleepy voice I knew all too well answered from Chirons back. 

'Calvin!' I called out and went to get him down. 'Oh, I was so worried! I shouldn't have left you in that hotel room all alone!' I hugged him tightly.

'When I woke up you were gone but these two nice people offered to take me to you.' he said keeping his voice calm. He almost never cried or raised his voice since the accident. I haven't heard him laugh for over a year but I got used to it. I could feel when he was sad or happy, tho it seemed like he forgot how to express emotions properly.

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