Chapter 5:Her Arrival

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It's near the end of Golden Week and me and Taiga were waiting for Ryuuji to finish making breakfast, I was playing with Maple with string toy, while Taiga was watching the news. To catch you all up, I introduced Ryuuji and Taiga to my cat and they liked her instantly, Taiga likes maple the most out of the two.

"Well folks, today is the last day of Golden Week! So how are you planning to spend the day?" the reporter said

"Stuck inside, dying from boredom. That's how. All because of two mangy mutts." she responded to the tv, and referring to me and Ryuuji

"Yeah, right. Like it's our fault you didn't get to see Kitamura all break long. He did warn us he'd be busy with softball practice and student council stuff, so-" Ryuuji said justifying the situation as he laid down our breakfast for the three of us

"It's your job as my dogs to make it happen, regardless." she shot back as Taiga laid across the floor with her eyes closed

"Yeah, and then watch you crash and burn trying to talk to him." he mumbled leaving Taiga to open her eyes quickly, noticable blush, and shot upright.

"Yeah, why don't yo-" she said annoyed, slamming both her fist on the table causing her soup to spill on her dress she was wearing

"Nice job Taiga... " I said sarcastically to her

"Go get a rag Ren, I got some on my dress!" she said, I sighed and went to find a rag as she continued

"If Ryuuji wasn't talking stupid, it wouldn't have happened!"

"If that were true Taiga, you would've talk to him by now" I shot back as I hear her grumbling I found a rag when I heard Ryuuji's mom, noticably hung over, waking up as a give Taiga the rag, Yasuko starts to whimper with tears in her eyes

"You were just gonna let me sleep while you ate all the rice omelettes by yourself?" she said squirming

"Chill out! I wrapped yours up and put it in the fridge!" Ryuuji said which clamed her down as she stopped her squirming

"But... did you write my name on it? And with ketchup like how I like it?" she asked him

"No, but I will. So stop crying already." Ryuuji replied

"Okay. I guess I'll go back to sleep then..." Yasuko sniffled, closed eyes and slid the door closed, I peeked over to Taiga trying to get the stain out of her dress with the rag.

"What am I gonna do? It's gonna leave a stain!" she said as the stain is not coming out

"It might come out in the wash, but you have to pre-treat it." Ryuuji replied but adopted a smug look as he moved closer to Taiga

"Or... you can let me do it. And in exchange..."

"I take you to Johnny's?" she said finishing his sentence

"Come on, why not? It's not like I can go there by myself, right? Besides, what happened to you helping me with Kushieda, huh? Huh?" Ryuuji pressed on

"He does have a point" I agreed with his statement which made Taiga annoyed

"Ugh, shut up both of you before I cut you!" she threatened

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