fearful flowers

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TW ~ Panic Attacks, Nightmare 

Tommy's POV:

He woke up for the second time in the same exact bed as he did last time. He sat up, feeling the same exact amount of pain he did yesterday. 

By the way, this was looking, Tommy feared he'd start his day with a panic attack, just as yesterday. Last night, the man with the cool hat, Tommy forgot his name, told him to use these devices that are metal and are like two oddly shaped sticks to walk around with, he gave them a name, crouching or something.

He had refused to eat last night as well. And sleep, sleeping was absolutely terrible. Every time he shut his eyes, the shadow was back, reenacting something from his memories. He remembered the beach, some tree, everything except the identity of the shadow. He couldn't remember anything before his 12th birthday. It annoyed him to his core, but he shook it off.

The rest of the night, when his memories weren't haunting him, he sat in his bed, wide awake. He barely got any sleep last night.

Using the crutches, he pulled himself off the bed. His left leg was raised, it was the body part other than his back and head that took most of the fall.

He limped to the door, grinning as he stepped through the door frame. Avoiding that small panic attack felt like a relief to him.

He heard whispering coming from the floor below, and although something told him to not listen, he did anyway.

"He's probably not even ten, dad."

"Well Wil, the boy obviously has experience surviving on his own, so," 

What? Did they dislike my company already?

"Why did you give him the dagger? For all I know he could have stabbed himself with it or something and that's what happened when I found him?"

"Don't be so insensitive mate, he's obviously had some trauma and I want to see you and Techno be good role models to him, understand?" 

"Yeah, Dad" he heard the pink-haired one nod. Tommy limped down the staircase.

"Well, I feel pretty fine, am I allowed to leave now?" he asked, not touching the food just in case the creature didn't want him to eat any.

"Until that leg's healed you aren't going anywhere mate," he said with a chuckle.

"Oh," Tommy sighed.

"Have a seat, eat something, get freshened up" 

Tommy stared at the pieces of toast kept on a plate. He noticed everyone else had their own plate. 

Was that plate for him?

Tommy toyed around with the bread pieces, before sighing. "I'm not really hungry right now, maybe later," he said coldly. Why couldn't he heal faster? He could feel the pity radiating from everyone in the room.

"If you say so kid" pink hair sighed, taking a bite of his toast.

"What's your name?" Wilbur said excitedly.

"Uh..." Tommy considered telling them his real name. How bad could it be if they knew his name? 

"Tommy" he shrugged, feeling bad that someone worked hard to prepare food for him and he hadn't even touched it. But he knew he couldn't stomach it, every part of him detested it, and he didn't know why.

Noticing his discomfort, the man smiled. "You don't have to eat it right now." The shadow lurked around in the kitchen. The unsettling smile ticked off Tommy. He hurriedly left the kitchen, as fast as his crutches could take him. 

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