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"He knows

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"He knows."


"I think I found it."

We all turned our attention towards the mountain of jewels, in which I was pointing at.

"It's the cup. I can feel it." Harry said as he shone his light at the gold cup on the very top I was reffering to.

I turned my head at a clattering behind me. Hermione was backing away from a thick gold bracelet that was multiplying into copies of itself at an alarming rate.

Ron knocked over a a gold vase as he backed away from the multiplying braclets. The vase to, started to make copies of itself.

"It's the gemino curse! Do not touch anything!" I called to them.

I had once used the gemino curse on a doll when I was eleven after finding a peice of paper with it's instruction on it in my father's office.

The dolls filled an entire room before he was able to put a stop to it.

"Give me the sword." Harry said to Hermione as he reached his hand out over the braclets and vase's, now covering the floor.

Hermione threw the sword to him and he began to climb the mountain of jewels. Everything he touched began to mulitply, tumbling down to the floor.

I was now up to my knees in all kinds of different metals and jewlries. 

Harry had made it to the top of the mountain, not before he was swallowed into all the metals of course. I could see the end of the sword looping into the cup handle to grab it before the sword and Harry were out of sight.

The assortment of expensive items and galleons were now up to my chest. 

It was silent for a few moments, the only sound being the clinking of the metal.

Harry burst out of the metal mountain, sending even more things multplying, with the cup and sword in hand.

"Got it!" He yelled as he tossed the cup to Griphook who was preparing to open the door.

Griphook held the cup close to him like he'd never let go. Not even if that dragon outside set eyes on it. Something tells me he's not going to give it up, or at least not easily.

"We had a deal you bloody git!" I yelled at him. 

"The sword for the cup." He held out his hand for Harry to throw him the sword. 

He then grabbed the sword and threw back the cup. "I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out. 

The retched goblin smirked before opening the vault door and going to shut it as he exited.

I flipped him off before he left, despite struggling to stay above the growing piles of metals and jewlry. I've said it once and I'll say it again, I hate that goblin.

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