-Chapter Eight-

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Thin Walls - Larry Stylinson

Summary: Louis moves into a flat while he’s at university, his next-door neighbour, Harry, who he’s never seen is rather loud at night. Louis confronts him about said noise and the two start to chat through the rather thin wall between their bedrooms. Will they ever meet, and if they do… what could ensue for the both of them?

Pairing: Harry/Louis… side of Liam/Niall

Warnings: may contain a little bit of swearing and that’s all for now, I think.

Chapter Eight


Louis couldn’t take his eyes off Harry, he was nothing like how he’d expected him to be, With his curly hair that was almost wild yet seemingly under control, which made no sense to Louis but he didn’t look into it further. The green eyes that seemed to sparkle under his staring gaze, yes. Nothing like he’s expected yet somehow so much better. He put this aside and smirked

‘There is nothing better than talking to a wall, unless it talks back that’s just a bonus’ He replied,

‘Sometimes they say the most random things’ Harry replied with a smile playing on his lips

‘Some walls are just cooler than others’ Louis shrugged

‘some talk about shoving bananas in their ears’ Harry raised an eyebrow at him challengingly

‘And some walls will consider shoving a banana in your ear instead of their own’

‘but what if I like a banana in my ear?’ Harry grinned and Louis couldn’t help staring at the dimples that formed on Harrys cheeks, one word sprang to mind. Harry was adorable!

‘Then you should consider going to a therapist’ Louis responded quickly, everyone else in the circle was watching them curiously. Louis noted all of their confused faces and couldn’t help a wide grin forming on his lips.

‘Did you know my wall has such a girly scream it’s unbelievable’ Harry laughed as Louis face went through about ten different shades of red before he raised an eyebrow at Harry,

‘shut up’ Louis whined pouting, Harry laughed at him ‘At least I can catch a ball’ He pointed out revelling in the blush that took over Harrys face as he sent a mock glare at Louis, Harry threw the ball hard at Louis who caught it easily. Harry sat down with a huff and crossed his arms, again, Louis thought, adorable.

‘Introduce yourself then’ Zayn replied, Louis raised his eyebrow and smiled

‘My name is Louis and I have an obsession with stripes and pineapples’ He said looking down at his stripy t-shirt with a grin

He passed the ball to another girl, sat down and looked over at Harry who was looking at him, He smiled at Harry and looked back at the girl.

The rest of the class introduced themselves and once everyone was sat down Louis stood up signalling for Zayn to do the same.

‘What’s a better way to get to know people an socialize than a party, which I’m not to familiar with, I’ll be honest, but lets put on some music and dance’ He said excitedly, a few people grinned as Louis looked at Zayn

‘Do you have any good music?’ He asked

‘Got some Chris Brown’ Zayn shrugged

‘My Ipod it is then’ Louis answered walking towards a stereo earning a few sniggers off of people who’d heard the exchange, and so with that Who let the dogs out was pumping into the room and Louis stood there a proud smirk on his face knowing he was driving Zayn slightly crazy. Zayn marched over to him

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