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Hungrya pov

I was laying on the floor whining,nurse ann was helping y/n with something but i dont know what,lulu had gaven brith 8 hours ago,i whined again,i felt some one pet me,i looked to see nina,i whined and and she sat with lulu who had a baby girl named lilth,i walked to thw couch and laid infront of it,sally walked over and patted me"its ok hungry"she said,lazari walked over with ash(mia) and Elizabeth,the three sat down and watched tv,i looked and it showed a family that me and y/n killed,i smiled,but then whined,nina change it and i looked to see a family and lizzy,they were smiling,then it showed as dead bit alive,i looked away and closed my eyes

8 hours later

I felt something small paw my muzzle,i opened my eyes to see a pup with my colors,i lifted my head,and the pup ran and looked at me,it had y/ns body,i stood up and walked to it,it had y/ns eye color,i smiled,then another pup that had my body and y/ns fur color and my eyes,i smiled and licked them both,i heard a bark and look,a pup with my body and color but dark was walking to us,i smiled and licked,then a pup with y/ns body and cor but darker(or lighter) run to me,i licked it,the this were males,the first to wherr females,i smiled,i looked up to see y/n walk over with to pups they were mixed,a female that had out normal colors,and a male wih our colors but darker and/or light/darker I smiled and nuzzled her thrn licked to pups,the first to were named blake and lilly,the first to males where jason ajd mason(twins),and the mized female was brooklyn,and the mized male and mark(iplier),i smiled at tje pups as the played,lilly walked to lilth and laid with her,i smiled and nuzzled y/n then kissed her,she smiled and licked me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2021 ⏰

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hungry x female winged wolf readerWhere stories live. Discover now