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pumpkin :> @pumpkin
hey @twitter when am i getting verified i have 16.9 mil subs and 3 mil followers on twitter i need the validation pls verify me
💬 12.7k 🔁 54.3k ❤️ 321k

dream @dream
yeah me too
pumpkin :> @pumpkin
we should get this trending
dream @dream
why does ur name get to go first
pumpkin :> @pumpkin
because i'm better than you

george @georgenotfound
hahahahah i'm verified
karl :) @karljacobs_
mrbeast @mrbeastyt
pumpkin :> @pumpkin

user2 @user2

now trending in the us:



it was now two days until clay and nick flew to england, and the day of when nick was starting to drive to florida. meredith was laying in her bed, groaning in pain as she had stitches lay on her stomach. of all the times she could get her period, it was now. stitches purred on her abdomen, the motion soothing her slightly as she complained out loud.

"fucking hate periods." she mumbled. "they're stupid. no one needs or wants them." as she was talking to herself, her phone started ringing and will's contact name popped up on the screen. she groaned some more, picking up the phone and laid it right next to her ear.

"what." she said, monotone.

"well hello to you, too. i'm calling to remind you to pack, since you seem to always forget to." he huffed, shuffling his phone around somewhere.

"you know me so well." she carefully moved her cat off her stomach, getting up and tossing her blanket on the floor in aggravation. "why do i have to be a woman?"

"see, there's this thing called sex chromosomes, and everyone's born with a different pairing of x and y ones. xx chromosomes are female, and—"

"for the love of god, shut the fuck up, will. please." she groaned. "i'm on my stupid fucking period, right now."

"is that why you're swearing more?"

"will—i swear—if you don't just—ugh!" she yelled. "okay, whatever. how much should i pack?"

"i'm doing ten shirts and five pants, but knowing you, just pack fucking whatever. 20 shirts, 20 pants if you must."

"i'm hanging up now." she said, tired of him. she moved to facetime karl, who picked up almost immediately. "hey." she greeted, still monotone.

"ouch," he feigned hurt. "oh, hey! what's all this around you planning a meet up?! without me?!"

she made a face. "sorry...clay planned it so it was him and sapnap flying to all of us in the uk."

"hmph. i'll let this one slide. so...clay." he smiled, getting closer to the camera.

"what about him?" she asked, bending down to grab some of her clothes strewn on the ground.

"you're going to be seeing him in person for the first time in a couple days??" he said, with a tone that spoke, 'was it not obvious?'

"oh, my god. yeah," she gasped. "i didn't really think about it, but this is the first time i'm seeing all of them in person besides will!"

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