Part III Love Child Chapter 9

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JANELLE WAS WELL AWARE that in order to achieve her goal she would have to relocate to America. That decision brought her to the American Midwest. She had a friend living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who provided her with a place to stay while she continued her search for stardom. 

Her entrance into the high-fashion, high-status, high-paying American modeling world happened somewhat by chance. During a casual walk through a crowded mall she was spotted by a man who ran a local modeling agency. 

"Excuse me, miss. Could I speak with you a moment?" the distinguished man asked.

"Well, yes, who might you be?" Janelle responded guardedly.

"I run a modeling agency and I couldn't help but notice your extraordinary look. Have you ever considered becoming a professional model?"

"As a matter of fact I'm here from Canada with that very goal in mind."

He went on to describe what he felt his agency had to offer and left her with his business card. 

A few days passed. She contacted him and they began working together. He booked her for runway and fashion work in Milwaukee and Chicago. Their association was productive and profitable for both of them. Again, as in the past, the man was drawn to Janelle and gradually became intent on pressuring her for a relationship.  

She was here on a six-month visitor's visa. When it expired she had to return to Canada. Janelle only stayed there long enough to be able to renew her visa. Conditions in Canada were intolerable for her, both professionally and personally. 

Her destructive symptoms always seemed to get worse the closer she got to her family. Although she was not consciously aware of the circumstances that fragmented her mind, the pressure of being near her original perpetrator provoked PTSD symptoms. With a fresh visa in hand, Janelle returned to the States expecting to resume her promising quest for supermodel stardom.

NEW GOVERNMENT POLICIES no longer allowed people who were not American citizens to work without a social security number. In order to obtain one you had to become a citizen, or marry an American citizen. When Janelle met Kurt, one of the many things they talked about was this green card problem. 

She also broke down and shared what she did know of her tragic story of family dysfunction. Although the revelations were unsettling, Kurt was captivated by her compelling personality and captivating beauty. After only knowing one another for a few weeks, Kurt agreed to marry Janelle. 

"I want you to know that whatever happens between us I won't abandon you," Kurt promised in moment of heated passion, not fully aware of the possible ramifications of his commitment.

"I hope you know just how much this means to me. You won't be sorry. I love you Kurt," Janelle said reassuringly, also unaware of how unable she would be to keep her promise of wedded bliss.

Because of her illness, Janelle was becoming physically weaker and weaker. The psychological tumor growing in her mind would not allow Janelle, now the primary alter, to maintain her successful, productive, relatively healthy control of the body. 

Lauren was gestating to cope with the changing conditions. Lauren began as a fun-loving free-spirited extension of Janelle, but Lauren would soon find herself in the midst of an internal crisis of life-threatening proportions.

Janelle’s issues quickly took their toll on the young lovers. Kurt was present during two of Lauren's panic attacks and the experience shook him. He was not well himself, but managed to compensate for his problems through the role-playing he did on stage, and with the help of just one more bottle of Bud. 

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