twenty one

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**covid free story

two days later, and it was officially time for meredith to get on the train to brighton. there was snow on the ground crunching underneath her boots as she walked with her bag in hand, saying one last goodbye to her neighbor and stitches before exiting her apartment parking lot. the wind was blowing slightly, nipping at her nose as she walked. all in all, it was a perfect white christmas week, and she was prepared to have a lot of fun.

as she gazed at all the lights and sights of her street, she thought to what they were actually going to do at the airbnb. from what will had told her, it was a pretty big sized mansion, yet only had four bedrooms. she was pretty nervous about meeting everyone in person for the first time, but because of their numerous interactions ahead of time, she was less nervous than she would've been normally.

if she had to say the thing she was most nervous about, it was probably sharing a room with clay. not really the revealing her face part to the whole group, since she wasn't insecure about her physical image. her emotional image, maybe, but she was pretty confident in her appearance. she took pride in it, despite her rarely going outside and the fact that she didn't even use a face cam.

she wondered if she should've stopped by somewhere to get some food for them, deciding against it since knowing them, they probably already brought a ton. she kept thinking, suddenly remembering about the whole gift situation. in the past week, they set up a secret santa game, where they all just got a random person. meredith had gotten tubbo, whom she was very excited about.

her gift to tubbo was wrapped carefully and tucked away in her bag, and it contained a small plushie of a minecraft bee, an abstract portrait of him, and a tape recording of tommy's voice placed inside the bee in such a way that if he squeezed it, he could hear tommy's voice.

as she got to the tube, she wrapped her parka closer around her body. it was starting to snow again, little bits and pieces of the white dust scattering in her hair. she watched as the people around her passed by, whispering happy little greetings to each other in the cold. it made her heart warm to see them have the holiday spirit in them, and she smiled under her scarf.

the train for brighton was called, and she stepped into the car, sitting down in a seat and taking out her phone. there were many people surrounding her. some talking on the phone, some conversing with the other strangers, some reading books. she usually loved sitting and observing them, but she was just way too excited about coming to the house and finally meeting her friends.


colorblind hate club

i'm surprised no ones changed the name yet

wait yeah wtf

george changed the group name to
mission dreamkin


cmon we're all thinking it


kids kids settle down

we're the same age

is literally anyone on the way here yet
i feel so alone in this GIGANTIC MANSIOn

tom is right next to me in the car
mums driving us!

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃, dreamWhere stories live. Discover now