Chapter 22- 2 men and a woman

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Y/N had texted Robby and asked him to hang out but he claimed had something to care of. When she asked what, he said he'd explain later, leaving her very suspicious. Aisha was also busy, she had some fancy things to attend to with her parents. With no one to hang out with and nothing to do, Y/N decided to head to the dojo and practice.

She was punching the bag so hard, her knuckles were turning red but she didn't care, she was in her element. Every pent-up emotion was coming out, all the anger, the sadness, the heartbreak, everything. She was so focused on what she was doing, she didn't even notice Johnny walk into the dojo.

"Hey, kid!" He yelled, causing her to break out of her trance. "Oh hey." She replied, turning around to face him, dropping her hands to her side. "You ok? You were really going at the bag there." He stated, looking at her in worry. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She waved her hand dismissively. Johnny walked over and grabbed her hand, jerking it forward to examine her knuckles. They were a bright red and were starting to bruise.

"Go to my office and grab some ice. And grab me a beer." He instructed, dropping her hand. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Yes, dad." She teased, walking over to his office. Every since she said it, it felt more natural t say it to him, especially since he didn't mind. It actually became an inside joke for them. Y/N grabbed a bag of ice and a beer and walked back over to him, handing him the beer.

"So how'd the meeting go?" She asked, placing the ice over her knuckles. "Actually it went well. But you'll never guess who was there." He said. "Elvis?" She joked, making him roll his eyes. "No, it was LaRusso." He stated, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Y/N let out a laugh.

The door to the dojo opened and Miguel came running in, excitedly pulling his helmet off. "Ooh, who's the man?" He asked excitedly. "I'm the man," Johnny replied. Miguel looked at him with a grin and raised eyebrows. "Oh shit. Are you the man too? Tell me you're the man."

Miguel tossed his backpack and helmet and spread out his arms. "I'm the man! I crushed the date!" Miguel yelled, running up to the two. "I crushed the committee meeting," Johnny replied back. "So, Cobra Kai's in?"

"Hell, yeah, we're in. Cobra Kai's back, baby."

Miguel and Johnny hugged before Miguel pulled Y/N into a hug as well. "All right, I'm gonna go grab us a soda. Do you want a Banquet?" Miguel asked, pointing at Johnny. "No, no. This calls for a real toast." Johnny stated, walking into his office. He came back out with 3 cups and a bottle of wine. "The good stuff, for real men. And a woman." Johnny stated, making Y/N chuckle. He poured Y/N and Miguel a cup before pouring one for himself. Miguel sniffed the cup and gagged.

"Drink it. It'll put hair on your balls." Johnny stated, making Y/N groan in disgust. "Is that a good thing?" Miguel asked confused. "No," Y/N replied with a grimace. "To Cobra Kai." Miguel toasted. "Never accept defeat," Johnny added. The two turned to Y/N. "And to striking hard."

The three hit their cups together before taking a swig. Miguel and Y/N's faces turned into disgust while Johnny downed his with ease. "Well, I'm never drinking again," Y/N said, her voice raspy. "You'll get used to it." Johnny shrugged. "Since we're entering the tournament, you two need to train harder."

"You mean he needs to train hard." Y/N corrected. Johnny looked at her confused. "Why aren't you going to compete? You're my best student." He said, making Miguel cringe. He may have lied and told Sam that he was Johnny's best student. Well, she doesn't need to know he was lying.

"I've told you I fight for self-defense, not for points or a trophy," Y/N stated. Johnny nodded in understanding. "Well the rest of the kids still need to train so tomorrow we're going to train somewhere else," Johnny said with a grin. Miguel and Y/N exchanged a worried glance. The last time he took them somewhere else they nearly drowned. "Where?"
The sun beat down on the group of kids while Johnny stood on top of a tire, drinking a beer. A junkyard, of all places, is where he decided to take the kids. How this was going to help with karate, Y/N had no idea.

"You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?" He yelled, looking around the kids. "Yes, Sensei!" They shouted in response. "Wrong!" He yelled, throwing his beer down at them. "You're best ain't shit! If you wanna with the All-Valley Under-18 Karate Tournament, you gotta be better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worse. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

"Are you losers?"

"No Sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No Sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, Sensei!"

Johnn pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes and groaned. This was gonna be a long process. He lifted his head up and signaled for Y/N to help him set up some obstacles. After everything was set up, the kids got to work.

They smashed car windows, threw things from windows, balanced on a metal beam over metal and glass, and ran through tires. All the while, Johnny yelled at them, sometimes encouraging, sometimes not.

"You guys hungry?" He asked, handing the kids some beef jerky. "Yes sensei!" They replied, some kids popping into their mouths. Y/N held her and examined it. Why'd he given it to them? "Good. So are they."

He pulled a dog whistle out of his pocket and blew it. The sound of barking was heard and the group turned around to see a pack of German Shepards running at them, snarling hungrily. "Oh shit!" Aisha yelled, taking off running, the other kids following her. Y/N, on the other hand, kneeled down. "What are you doing?!" Miguel exclaimed, watching his best friend. She stuck the piece of beef jerky out and one of the dogs came over to her. It sniffed the jerky hesitantly, before lightly taking it from her hand.

"Good boy!" She cooed. The dog barked happily and ran over to her and jumped on her lap. It started licking her face making her giggle. "How did you do that?" Johnny asked surprised. Y/N shrugged. "Guess I have a gift."

The dog kept nudging her making her smile. "Can I keep him?" She asked Johnny. Johnny shrugged. "I don't see why not. They just roam around here." He replied. Y/N smiled and scratched the dog behind the ear. "I think I'll call you Buddy." She stated. The dog barked almost in agreement and nudged her face. Miguel smiled and felt his heart warm at the sight. Is there nothing she can't do? You're dating Sam stop. Yeah her best friend. Well, she's dating some Robby guy. Don't you think she would've told you if she was? Fair point. You should've asked her out man, she might've said yes.

Miguel shook the thoughts from his head, trying to let them go but that voice was still there, whispering in his ear. "You should've asked her out man, she might've said yes." SHIT!
A/N the dog idea was totally spontaneous. I was rewatching the scene and then I was thinking why not let Y/N have a dog since she has nothing else.


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