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Dedicated to @DwarfMaiden

A candle is gently lit and the small hole of a house is brightened. A little man walks to a desk with the candle.

"My dear Frodo: you asked me once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures." He opens a nearby chest; and gazes for a few seconds at a small sword, but instead picks up a red leather-bound book and places it on the desk with a dull thud.

"While I can honestly say I told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it." As the figure opens the book, a small slightly brown piece of paper slips out. It was a drawing of his younger self, and the man looks at it with nostalgia.

"I'm old now, Frodo. I'm not the same Hobbit I once was." The Hobbit then noticed another drawing. He stared at the two drawings fondly, but soon, he quickly set them down, grabbed a quill, dips it in ink and begins to write.

"I think it is time, you know what really happened. It began a long time ago, in a land far away to the east, the like of which you will not find in the world today..."

Meanwhile in a far corner of Middle Earth....

Somewhere in the dark, a fire cracked and ate at the dry pine wood that had become its prey. It brightened a dark room with only 4 figures, which sat in silence and were content with its shroud. But the quiet was soon broken by a small voice.

"Tell us a story, Adad!" the five-year-old Durin begged

"A story? Very well, which story?" the king leaned down so he could hear his children.

"The story of my name?" She innocently inquired. The Durin king, smiled at the small girl, and sat up slowly as he stared thoughtfully into the crackling fire. An unspoken figure, across the room, stopped her knitting and glanced from the girl to the dwarf, who felt her stare but didn't acknowledge her. He knew what she was thinking but pushed it aside. He felt a tear threaten to fall but blinked it away, quickly. He sighed and answered softly.

"As you wish, but then to bed with you lot."

"Yay!" the two dwarflings cheered happily in unison. They scrambled around for blankets and pillows as their father got to his feet and walked over to a bookshelf next to the old fireplace. He paused and carefully traced the spines of several books before gingerly pulling out a rather scuffed, black leather journal from among them. He trailed back to his seated, and opened the journal as if it was made of silk and would crumble from even the slightest movement. Inside the first few pages of the book, a faded drawing slide out, and he stared at it like it was solid gold. He discreetly wiped the stray tear that ran down his bearded cheek. Closing his eyes, he was lost to distant memories and past times. He saw them...he saw her...the Knights of Erebor! All decked out elegantly in dark blue overcoats and mithril armor baring the crest of Durin, and furnished with a deep scarlet red cloak as their hair flowed freely in the mountain wind.

"Are you going to read, Adad? His young son's voice brought him far out of his mind and sentimental thoughts.

"Yes lad; it began a long time ago, and in a place not that far from here, to the north, there lived some horses...


Adad: Father; Khuzdul

A/N: Well, I have finally published the first chapter. Whoop! First off, lots of thanks to DwarfMaiden for making the cover and helping get this book started! If you could go check out her story called "Memories" that would be awesome! Hint to all Fili fangirls;) anyway thanks for reading! Bye for now👋

Knights of Erebor: Blade of DurinWhere stories live. Discover now