Your eyes tell

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tags: comfort, insecurities, just soft bfs tk, a lil fluff, just jk being the boyfriend that everyone needs in their life

requested by: tae_tae_daily <3

Love is a double edged sword.

And Taehyung learned this the hard way.

He wasn't always like this, has never felt this insecure before his ex had decided to manipulate him and into thinking that he wasn't worth it—never will be.

But that's talking about the past.

Because his now current boyfriend would do anything just to make him feel loved and appreciated, would never ever do anything that would remotely make Taehyung insecure or upset.

Because Jeon Jeongguk loves with all his heart, all his soul, all his mind.

Taehyung is convinced by now that his loving boyfriend is one big blessing in disguise, an angel sent straight from heaven—his soulmate. He'd never trade him for anything in this world, and he knows that Jeongguk would say the exact same thing, maybe even add in a little more eloquence in his words because that's just how he is.

He's always been better at words than Taehyung, has always had an easy time expressing his thoughts into words and his words into actions, which Taehyung admires a lot. He strives to be better for him, tries to be better everyday. And just like any other human being, there are bad days.

Days where Taehyung would feel tired and drained, where he doesn't have the energy to try, doesn't have the strength to do so. The days where the anxiety andpa insecurities overpower the best of him, days where his mind is filled with the endless what ifs, the constant hows and whys. The days that he sometimes forgets what is. Yeah, those days.

Just like today.

He lays there on their shared bed, head empty as he stares at space, at the nothingness that surrounds him. There's nothing on his mind in particular, just a blank page while he unconsciously conjures up sad poetry to filter through his mind, to pass time. It's the only thing he can do, the only thing that allows him to not use up as much of his energy. He really has nothing left.

He reaches for his phone, clicking it open and squints at the time.


He lightly tosses it onto the side, closes his eyes and focuses on his breathing, rubbing his warm palm over the other as a self-soothing technique. He tries to collect his thoughts, maybe try to remember that dream he had earlier. He remembers a few details, something about his boyfriend—it always has been about him—and him going on a date at the nearby ice cream parlor, eating and licking from each others cones.

Then he slowly starts to visualize once more, sees the image of them holding hands, walking down the street as they chatter about. In his dream, Jeongguk tuens to him, leaning in to whsiper in his ear—but then the sound of footsteps has him peeling his eyes open, granting him the sight of his boyfriend clad in his sweats, face sweaty.

Although dream Jeongguk was nice and it was fun while it lasted, he'd much rather entertain the company of reality Jeongguk, so he settles on putting aside his daydreaming for now.

Jeongguk smiles when he catches his eyes, but it also drops immediately as soon as it came, replaced by a concerned crease in between his brows instead. "Hey, babe." Jeongguk drops his gym bag by the bedroom door, walking towards the bed in easy strides. "What have you been up to while I was gone, hm?"

𝚃𝙰𝙴𝙺𝙾𝙾𝙺 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃𝚂 (𝚋𝚡𝚋)Where stories live. Discover now