78 - Do You Want To Come Too

232 19 39

Question: Favourite TMI character?

"Hey, love," Alec answered his phone, Magnus ringing him for the first time that day. That said a lot considering Alec was in Idris and had been for the past week.

"Hey, Alexander."

"The kids all okay?" Alec aksed.

"Yeah, those hell-born brats are okay, of course they are," Magnus mumbled as Alec gasped.


"You can't call them that because you're from Heaven. I can, cuz a hell-born brat right here," Magnus said and winked though Alec wasn't there to see him.

"Stop calling yourself that," Alec tutted and both of them fell into an easy talk when Alec heard some disturbance from the other side.

"Daddy!" Max chorused and Alec grinned.

"Hey, Maxy," Alec said, "Stole the phone of Papa did you?"

"Yes," Max answered sheepishly and then brightened all over. "Papa is taking us to a restaurant today!"

"Is he really?" Alec wondered out loud before another disturbance on the other end.

"I merely proposed the idea of a restaurant, Alexander," Magnus explained, "Nothing is decided."

"Of course it's decided!" Alec heard Rafe scream.

"Rafe, stop yelling," Magnus scolded, "I'm talking to your dad right now. You'll get your turn. Hang on."

"But we love him more!" Max seemed to have screamed and must've tried snatching the phone away. Alec guessed Magnus had won.

"I am talking to him. He is mine and you-"

"Magnus!" Alec jumped in before Magnus said something highly regrettable.

"And we what?" Rafe prompted so loudly Alec could hear the smugness in his voice from the other end.

"Disgustingly in love," Max hissed under his breath before he went for the phone again. Alec scruched up his face at the commotion. This sounded bad enough with him being miles away.

"Hang. On," Magnus repeated.

And then some magic must've happened, maybe even literally consider Magnus, for everything was silence and Alec could hear Magnus breathing.

"Right, so," Magnus began, "I was thinking about taking the kids to the restaurant. Of course it'd be our first time going without you, but yeah, that was the plan. I accidentally said that to Max who then told Rafe. That is all that has happened. Nothing has burned down. Now if you reply, I'd give the phone over to the kids. What's the verdict, Alexander?"

Alec laughed. A deep laugh that caused Magnus to grumble before smiling.

"What's so funny?" Magnus questioned.

"Nothing," Alec managed, "And of course you can go to the restaurant! But I think I'll be home soon."

"Oh!" Magnus exclaimed, happiness bubling through him, "Do you want to come too?"

Alec was overjoyed just by the excitement in Magnus' voice, but he also had a terrible headache from a stupid meeting.

"No, you guys go ahead," Alec said, "I'm really tired, and we still need clear things up here. I'll see you when you are home."

"Okay, beautiful," Magnus said, "Massage in order then?"

"I'm fine, stop worrying and have a good time," Alec said with a smile.

"A massage still in order," Magnus said firmly, "An excuse to touch you for longer. You have been away from me for a whole week."

"Let's see if we get time," Alec said, "With kids and all."

"I'm sure we will," Magnus muttered, "If not I have magic."

"Magnus!" Alec said again and Magnus surrendered.

"See you soon, my gorgeous," Magnus said with a sweet edge to his voice.

"In a bit, sweetheart." 

They hung up. Alec went onto helping Jace pack some documents whilst Magnus got the kids ready for their dinner.

Once everything was sorted, Alec, Jace and Clary Portalled back to the New York Institute, Alec taking a second Portal from Clary to the loft. And like said, his beloved boys had gone to said restuarant, but Magnus seemed to have left him a bowl of noodles on the kitchen counter with a note.

Magicked you up something, my darling. I paid. I don't want you cooking since you admitted you were tired. Eat, watch TV or go to sleep. You are not allowed to do anything else until I'm home. 

With lots of love, forver yours,


Below his name was also a squiggly heart Alec presumed was drawn by Max. With a smile too bright for the end of the day, Alec freshened up and devoured the food.

Alec turned on the TV, but not even halfway into a show, he fell asleep on the sofa at an awkward angle. He didn't hear Magnus and the kids come in or Magnus hushing the kids before getting them ready for bed and reading them a story. He didn't hear as Magnus finally sat down next to a half-lying-down Alec on the couch.

Magnus just stared at Alec, brushing his hair back. His sweetheart always worked too hard, never aknowledging that he too needed a break. Finally, Alec murmured and sleepily opened his electrifying blue eyes that made Magnus' heart skip a beat even after all these years.

"Hey, beautiful," Magnus murmured, before positioning himself and Alec so that the Shadowhunter was lying on Magnus' lap.

"Where are the kids?"

"Asleep," Magnus answered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Alec's lips, "Tired?"

"Mhm," Alec hummed as Magnus started playing with Alec's hair; the warlock knew how much Alec liked it.

"Keep doing that and I'm sleeping on the sofa today," Alec mumbled.

"Fine with me," Magnus smiled, "I'll carry you to bed."

"No," Alec said firmly.

"Doubt my strength?" Magnus inquired with a wink before pushing Alec of his lap and standing up. Alec whined.

"What are you doing?" the Shadowhunter asked.

"Proving to you that I very well can carry you to bed," Magnus countered.

"Oh no," Alec said, "Oh no you aren't."

"Yes. Positively yes."

Alec was still squealing and protesting when Magnus scooped him up into his arms effortlessley and walked to the bedroom before depositing Alec on the bed.

"See?" Magnus asked teasingly.

"I could've walked."

"But I like carrying you."

"Just shut up and come here," Alec said finally, opening up his arms. Magnus clicked him clothes away and snapped into pyjamas, removing his make-up and jewellery in the process, messing up his own hair and unstyling it. He would've preffered for Alec to have done that, but the Shadowhunter was way too tired.

Magnus fell into Alec's arms, fingers finding their way to Alec's hair as the Shadowhunter let out a satisfied hum.

"Go to sleep," Magnus gently whispered, placing a soft kiss on Alec's jaw, "I've got you."

A/N Hope you guys liked that! Please comment, vote and share!!!!!

Answer: Okay, this is honsestly way too hard, but after reading Shadowhunter Accademy, I'm going with Clary and Simon. DO NOT COMING BEARING A KNIFE. I LOVE - NO ADORE EVERYONE ELSE TOO. 

Lots and lots of love, IC XXXX 😍🥰😘

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