79 - I'll Still Be Here When You're Ready

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Question: Which Shadowhunter character that you can relate to the most? And if you feel comfortable sharing, why?

"Magnus!" Alec called from the sitting room, "Why in Raziel's name are you taking so long to get ready?"

"Because I want to look pretty!" Magnus called back from their bedroom.

"You're already gorgeous enough! Come on, I was ready an hour ago!"

"Not my fault you have no taste in fashion, Alexander," Magnus teasted, "Though you in a sweater is definitely a blissful sight."

"Yeah, yeah," Alec said sarcastically, "My sweaters are truly unholy."

"No," Magnus protested, "I was being serious! I love cuddling up to you when you are in sweater, you'll be warm and fuzzy. And I love wearing your sweaters because they smell of you and you smell delightful and I love being reminded of you. Not that you aren't in my thought twenty-four/seven because you are."

During this little speech, Alec had entered the bedroom, kneeling down beside Magnus and the vanity table. Alec let out a mock-appalled gasp.

"You've just been doing your make-up and hair?" Alec asked, "You're still not dressed properly?"

"Well," Magnus sighed sheepishly.

"Should we just get take-out?" Alec suggested and Magnus' eyes widened.

"Now, now, Alexander," Magnus started, "Go sit down and wait. I've finished make-up and hair. I'm just going to slip into these clothes I bought last week with Clary and Izzy and then I'll make my way over to you."

"How long?" Alec inquired.

"Not more than fifteen minutes," Magnus smiled before giving Alec a small kiss that left Alec wanting more, "I'll be there in a few, sweetheart."

"Okay," Alec said in a defeated tone and stole another kiss before heading to the sitting room and sitting down, flipping through a magazine.

Just when it had been twenty minutes and when Alec was possibly about to doze off, Magnus entered the sitting room and if for once Alec had thought about sleep, then with one look at his warlock, it disappeared.

Magnus came and stood in front of Alec, eyes blazing brilliantly, wearing black leather jeans that were ripped and which hung low on his hips. He was wearing a white shirt with so many buttons undone that Alec wondered if Magnus had forgotten to button it up at all. To top it all off was a black leather jacket with silver studs and Alec was staring at the dark and bold make-up Magnus was wearing, his black hair in spikes and with silver glitter on them.

Magnus may have been speaking but Alec didn't hear any of it, his eyes raking Magnus up and down, finally landing on his Unglamoured eyes and even after so long of being with Magnus, Alec blushed. Blushed way too hard.

"Well, Alexander," Magnus drawled, knowing exactly what effect he was having on the Shadowhunter, "How do I look?"

Alec simply stuttered, looking over Magnus yet again, the silver chains hanging against his chest which was minutely exposed by his shirt, the jeans clinging to him and Alec could not find words. He simply stared. And blushed. And stuttered. A lot.

"Take all the time you need, sweetheart," Magnus began in a teasing voice after being unheard for several minutes. Alec seemed to have heard only half of that sentence but he seemed to snap out of his daze (though Magnus thought it was hot) when Magnus teased him further: "I'll still be here when you're ready, my darling."

"W - what?" Alec stuttered again, Magnus' sentence barely registering in his head. How was this happening after all these years?

"I said that I'll still be here when you're ready to describe me using your words and when you are ready to go on this date," Magnus answered in such a simple tone that made Alec blush harder.

"Screw the date," Alec suggested, standing up and grabbing the collar of Magnus' jacket in order to kiss him.

"You're ruining the jacket, Alexander!" Magnus whined against Alec's lips, "I literally bought this last weekend!"

"Oh, what a pity," Alec said, "I should stop then."

And before Magnus could protest, Alec pulled away with too much distance between himself and Magnus. 

Magnus wasn't the only one who knew how to tease.

"But you could say that I bought this jacket so that you'd ruin it," Magnus tried, coming close to Alec. Alec stepped back and held his hands up, a grin threatening to break out.

"Aw," Alec cooed innocently, "I'd hate to ruin your clothes, my darling," he mimicked Magnus' tone as he said 'my darling', "You do value them a lot. Is that a crease I made on your jacket? Oh, how ever will I say my apologies to you now?"

"With a kiss," Magnus said firmly but Alec kept backing away until he was in their bedroom.

"But that will ruin your clothes further," Alec furrowed his brows and pretended to be scared of destroying Magnus' clothes.

"Don't speak as if you haven't ripped plently of my clothes, Alexander," Magnus warned.

"Oh, I have," Alec pretended to have a bad realisation, "Will you please forgive me, Magnus?"

"Not yet," Magnus grumbled before he grabbed onto Alec's shoulders and pushed him onto the bed. Magnus fell on top of him effortlessly. Alec started giggling and tried to pull away from Magnus, but Magnus' grip was rather strong. Magnus was grinning down at him.

"Stop playing, Alexander," Magnus said, lowering himself to kiss behind Alec's ears. Alec shivered.

"Fine," Alec whispered, pushing Magnus' jacket off. Magnus didn't even seem to notice this time.

"I think we are screwing this date," Magnus mumbled as he placed butterfly kisses all over Alec's face, causing the Shadowhunter to giggle happily.

"Thank the Angel," Alec muttered, knotting his fingers into Magnus' hair, "I don't think I would've been able to funtion."

"Really loved those clothes on me, huh?"

"You looked gorgeous," Alec confirmed and then blushed.

"I can't believe I can still make you blush like this," Magnus commented and Alec turned his head to hide his burning face in the pillow. "Okay no more teasing, I promise," Magnus said.

Alec turned back to face Magnus, face still a bit red, and neither of them were laughing, only smiling a small smile, as Alec pulled Magnus down.

A/N The rest is up to your imagination 😂😉😏 Please comment and vote if you enjoyed!

Answer: I think probably Alec because even it isn't as bad as Alec, I've sometimes had my dad expecting a lot from me and when I sometimes don't achieve that, there's been weeks of not speaking with each other and I know what it's like when your parent(s) are disappointed in you and Alec knows that (on a bigger scale than me) so that's why I think Alec. 

Lots of love, IC 😍😘🥰

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