Day 41-63: Worker-san

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After the first week was over, Worker-san's time in the Academy turned into a routine.

She was an attentive student that always took notes and listened to her teachers during class. She was fast learning and always studied her lessons once finished. After class, while her room mate was out grinding, she would read the books recommended by her teacher, taking notes as she did.

As the days passed she received several messages stating that she had obtained the Basic Life, Light, Dark and Death Affinities, learned Basic Alchemy, Basic Synthesis and Basic Magic Science.

Everytime she did she would devide the notes from her lessons into several piles: Recipes for Alchemy and Synthesis, Chemical process and Materials for Alchemy, a scroll for each spell detailing the three activation processes (direct manipulation, magic circles and rituals), the scrolls related to human anatomy,those about Animal anatomy then Monsters anatomy and Healing Process, Herbarium scrolls, an encyclopedia of items materials and terms and a bestiary.

When the scrolls would begin to pile up she would Synthesize them into books. She therefore created the books Alchemy Processes, Alchemy recipes, and Synthesis Processes which described everything related to Alchemy and Synthesis, Herbarium, Detailed Bestiary of Last City and its Surrounding Areas which gave a description of the appearance and abilities of each material and animal or monster she had read about, Human Anatomy and Medical Science, Healing Magic and Processes which described the art of healing through manual or magical applications, Magical Circles for Starting Mages, Rituals and Incantations and Affinities and Spells which described the different magic their requirements used and applications as well as the different elements and Dungeons of Last City which provided maps and descriptions of dungeons found around Last City. It was a slow process that consumed a lot of time and efforts as she had to rearrange the content of the books.

Her room mate once looked inside her books and had asked for a double of the Detailed Bestiary and Herbarium for herself and paid several silvers for them. Since that time her opinion of Worker-san seems to have changed to one of respect.

On the other hand Worker-san had discovered that by synthesizing ten vial she could get a small bottle and ten of those gave a bottle.
Then by alchemically processing (condensing) ten vial of Small Energy Drinks she could get one vial of Energy Drink and that by adding water to it she would get back her ten vial of Small Energy Drinks.
Since then she had been buying herbs from players and transforming them in weak Energy Drinks then vials of Energy drinks. She also did the same for the Weak Potions that restaured magical energy.
Then she made Cataplasms and Bandages for cuts and bruises and Weak Antidotes from the local snake venom sacks, creating stronger versions for the antidote and cataplasms and using rags to make several types and sizes of bandages.

She did so in large numbers, selling them through the notification board for a hundred copper the small vial of the weak version and a silver for the stronger one. Slowly her money increased and she replaced her starting clothes by more comfortable ones.

She was now wearing a laced light green corset over a cream colored long dress. Her cape had to be elongated to reach the ground and she wived her long blond hair into a tress.

Poncho, thats how she decided to call her dog, had grown. His back now reached her knees, his fur was thick and shiny, a result of a better alimentation and the daily walks, games and training Worker-san did with him had given him muscles. He now responded to the orders Sit, Down, Roll, Stay, Fetch and Shake.

On the fifty sixth day of the game, as Worker-san was buying scrolls to Synthesize them into her books, the clerk from the book shop noticed Detailed Bestiary of Last City that was innher sachel and asked to have a look.
Since he had never seen the book before he assumes she had found it in some ruins and proposed to buy it from her.When he realised she had wrote it she offered her to bound it if he could make a duplicate for his own personal collection.
Worker-san then asked if the offed stood for any original work and went to pick the rest of her books from her room. The next day they were bounded nd, unknown to Worker-san, had joined one of the most impresive collections of Last City which made her gain a total of a hundred fame.

When she came back three days later the owner informed her that several people were interested in obtaining a copy of her work. She accepted to have them duplicate and sold in the shop.
She was subtly convinced to let the owner decide how many copies to make and at what price to sell.

From that point on a hundred scribes worked day and night to reproduce her books, creating work for all the story tellers, bards and scribes of the village.

When the books were out, the price of the cheapest ones such Herbarium and Detailed Bestiary were at thirty silvers while the most costly one, Dungeons of Last City, was at three gold. seeing the prices Worker-san couldn't help but think she had been had the first time she made business with the library clerk.
Considering that she received a 60% commission on each book that was sold Worker-san quickly became one of the richest player in Second Chance.

On the other hand her Basic Ritual Lessons were more complicated. She knew she liked the Amazonian Ritual Dancing but still wanted to try other styles. As a result she tried the Meditational Chantings of the Nordic Monks taught by a bald and always smiling geezer, and the Sacrificial Ceremonies of the Pagans.
She couldn't stand the Monks idleness and did not appreciate how the priests eyes shined with glee as he sacrificed the deer on his altar.
In the end the dancing rituals seemed to be her best choice. She welcomed the situation with glee and officially chose the Amazone Rituals.

Little did she know that many other civilizations used dance as a medium for magic but the old amazon, who had observed her, wanted Worker-san to become an Amazone and had made her believe the Amazones were the only choise available.

The last topic was Targeting. In Theoretical Targetting she aced every lesson but in Practical Targeting she had some trouble coordinating herself and keeping up with the rest of the class.
Her physical form was much less developed as the rest of her peers as she spend most of her time working on her books, scrolls or Alchemy and Synthesis.

To remediate to this she made sure to concentrate extra hard on the practical lessons and spent the sunday morning in the training ground, repeating the previous lesson with Poncho as a partner.

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