new friend

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For the last 2 weeks mew has gone crazy about these gifts that are continuously sent to gulf.

Since they got back from that trip gulf started to receive those gifts again, but this time he know that those are not from mew.

As for mew, he collected all the already sent and still-have-been-sending gifts to give them to the mansion helpers, he forbid gulf from using them any more but still gulf didn't allow him to throw them away, so sam solved that proplem by advising mew to give them to the helper and gulf agreed to that.

One time there was a very very very beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, gulf was hugging it almost all the day till mew threw them from the balcony and ordered the guards to burn it.

Gulf just kept silent for 2 days, not wanting to eat or sleep with mew, saying that he loved those roses alot, no matter how sent them.

Mew couldn't stand that silent treatment for so long thus he made up for that by taking him to visit an entire garden of sunflowers, he brought him a bouquet of them too.

mew spent that whole day taking pictures of gulf with that bouquet of sunflowers in that garden full of sunflowers and put the best of these photos in 2 large frames, one for gulfs room above his bed and the other for his own room in front of his bed to be the first thing he see every single day.

As for now, Mew summoned Sam to his office and ordered him to rush the private investigator to search for the sender of those gifts to Gulf .. Mew and Gulf fights have increased these days because of those gifts, and Mew can no longer bear that, he wants to show that fucker who gulf really belongs to.

"What's taking him all that time, is that fucker a ghost or something?" Mew yelled at sam frustrated that he can't stop those gifts and still doesn't know who sent them.

"Mew, you've to calm down if you can, I already called him yesterday, He said that he had found a suspect, but he wanted to verify it. He might tell us what he found at the end of the day around, so be patient" said sam calmly trying to convince mew who's been burning with both anger and jealousy.

"Tell him to make it quick or i'm gonna give that mission to someone else" mew said massaging his head.
"Mew, you need to let off your anger and stress with something .. What about taking the day off or going for a walk with gulf or to the gym .. and perhaps gulf can also help you with this" said sam winking his eye at mew.

Mew just rolled his eyes and said "stop it, sam. Gulf is not a whore, I can't do that with him and most importantly, i'm not gay, you should know that, nanny"

"I'm a man but still acted as your nanny till you're a grown up guy now and you, you're not gay .. but still gulf can easily arouse you, that you got a hard on in front of everyone that day when...." sam was saying mocking mew back as mew mocked him first .

"Fine, fine, I surrender, stop it now .. you know what, bring me silva" mew said but sam just rolled his eyes.

"What's the difference, mew? .. you really don't have enough of fighting with gulf" sam said annoyed by mews ignorance to his own feelings.

"The difference is that silva is a girl with vagina but gulf is still just a child who doen't know any fucking thing about sex to me, he calls me daddy for fuck sake" mew said raising his voice because of this non- ending conversation.

"For your information, you're not his biological dad, and I know the age gap is huge but can you tell how did that affect your love and relationship all these past years? .. love is love .. sex is sex .. and a hole is a hole .. both silva and gulf can get pregnant .. not every day you can find a boy with 2 holes" said sam smirking while raising his eyebrow at mew.

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