chapter 48 dance like us

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"Phil what's with the long face???" South asks him. They had just arrived back at the school and this is the last dance practice since the dance is tomorrow at Saturday. Today is a Friday and everyone is excited for the dance tomorrow. It's UN's birthday so it's very important for everyone, they can't, Not celebrate it.

It's tradition to celebrate his birthday. Phil has been spacing out all day and everyone notices it.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine...." Phil responds wearily. The four of them can tell that he's not fine, there's something bothering him.

"Phil..... What's going on? You're not okay, tell us what's going through your head" Indonesia says as he pays Phil on the back. While south caresses his hand, caressing Phil's hand makes him feel safe and it calms him down basically.

"Well...." Phil is hesitating to them them what del told them. He doesn't know how to say it, he doesn't want to scare them. 'Don't go to the dance' that's why del told him. Del practically begged him not to go. There's something that will go wrong... Phil can feel it. Del is being use da puppet so he doesn't have any control. Now Philip is cautious with any country with their name starting with S.

He's suspicious of Spain.... But... Why would Spain do this? Are Spain isn't bothering him at all. When he talked to Spain last week he was totally normal, he was very nice and apologetic because of what his father did. He was real nice, Phil could feel that he was actually genuinely talking to him and not talking from his @$$. Phil thinks it's not good to go tomorrow. But.... He is also determined... he thinks that if he goes to the dance, he could stop it from happening. Although he doesn't really know what will happen.

He just hopes that there won't be a bomb... "Phil" North calls him again. "Huh?" "You've been spacing out, what are you thinking so deeply about?" South asks. "Huh? Well..." "Well what? We're all ears" Malay says. Phil take sa deep breath, he's going to say it..... But no he's too much of a coward to do so.

"I.... I just umm.... I'm scared.... What is that s person bombs the venue???" Phil says. They all look petrified. Malay and Indo both look like very petrified and scared. "Phil.... Please.... We don't want to talk about this.... Let's just enjoy out time as a family...." Indonesia says.

"Yes Philip.... They for sure don't want to talk about this..... They are the ones whom were the most traumatized.... Let's not talk about this" South says. They all free to not talk about it even though they should be.... Philip decided to shut his mouth and not dare speak another word about it. Is it really for the best to not talk about it?

Philip bit his bottom lip, he's anticipating the nations' speech. And just in que, the speakers started to give them the message

"Everyone, please head to the ballrooms"

The message ended. Surprisingly it was quite short. The five decided to get a move and go to ballroom that was assigned to them.

It took them only a few minutes to arrive.


Indo nudged Philip.


Philip is quite irritated by his action.

"So..... Yeah.... F*CK that guy, I'm going to the dance with Malaysia, were back together"

Indie tells him. Philip smiled at him. he's happy for them.

"I'm glad to hear that"

Philip replied, his hands in his pockets.
Malay then nudged him. Philip doesn't fancy being nudge like that.

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