ch. 22 ♪ rushing, rushing, born.

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CHAPTER TWENTY TWO:rushing, rushing, born

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rushing, rushing, born.

"Oh my god," I panted, collapsing into a seat on the jet as Armin shakily sat down next to me, clumsily packed backpack in his arms.

Mikasa and Eren simultaneously stumbled inside and sat down opposite each other at the back of the plane, whilst Marco and Jean opted for the seats on the opposite side of where Armin and I were.

I wrung my hands nervously as I watched Mikasa take out her laptop and start typing away in a frenzy, no doubt doing research on premature children.

Armin clicked his seatbelt and buried his head in his hands. "If- if Sasha is really going to give birth right now, t-the baby's lungs- they'll barely be developed.. Sasha was in her twenty-fourth week, right? Or did Connie mess up the dates again?? That's totally plausible, right?? Right? Right? Oh god, I hope it was the twenty-fifth week, instead... let's see," Armin said, starting to count off on his fingers, "So- four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty, twenty-four.. maybe he was off. Unless she has issues with her cervix, I think t-"

I stopped paying attention and started chewing my lip as I looked down on the texts Connie had been sending me. Sasha's water broke, and contractions started slowly coming afterwards.

I'd texted him in response saying that we were flying back to Trost as soon as possible.

He'd asked us to drop by his house and pick up Sasha's bag, which they didn't have since they didn't expect for Sasha to start going into labor this early.
Connie didn't want to leave Sasha's side- besides that, Jean and I were the only ones who had keys to his house, meaning that the only way to get in would be to break in.

And, we were the only ones who had access to a quick private flight. Bands were loaded, after all.

I clicked off my phone and took in a shaky breath.

"Armin," Marco said worriedly, "you're rambling."

"Sorry! Sorry!" Armin said quickly, swallowing thickly as his leg started jumping up and down in a panic. "I'm just nervous for her, that's all..."

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