Chapter 3: Cafè and Stream

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Your POV

Tommy and I walk out of the movie theatre, "Shit, that was actually very good." Tommy comments on the movie, "those songs were pog."

I agree "Yeah, the Disney songs are pretty good but not as good as Nintendo music."

"AMEN!" Tommy half shouted, people turned to us and stared for a few seconds before they go back to what they're doing.

"So, about that cafè," I say while we walk out, "are we still going there?"

"Yeah, as long as you don't say it's a date," Tommy looks at me and smirks.

"Awwww why not?" I smirk back, "Fine, I won't cause this isn't, it's to celebrate our friendship." Why does it give me a heartache when I say that?

"To friendship." Tommy smiles and we walk into the cafè.


"I'll have f/d (favourite drink)" I order then I look at Tommy for him to order.

"Uhhhh, I'll have a cappuccino but no sugar please." Tommy order.

"That will be $6.50," the cashier says.

"Oh shit, who's paying?" Tommy look at me and I shrugged.

"I'll pay this time cause you paid for the popcorn and the drink." I hand over a $10 bill as the cashier hand over $3.50 to my hand.

"What's your name young lady?" The cashier ask sweetly and took out a pen, ready to scribble a name on the cup.

"Ah, it's y/n" I answer, the cashier writing my name on the cup.

"And what's your boyfriend's name?" They ask sweetly.

Tommy and I look at each other, our eyes widen but we're smiling that looks like we're going to explode to laughter. "Oh yeah, Tom is fine." Tommy stifle a laugh.

"We'll call your names when the drinks are ready." The cashier gave us a smile, we return the smile. We took our seats near the window, the two of us facing the opposite of each other.

There was a moment of silence for 5 seconds, we started laughing "EVEN THE CASHIER THINKS IT'S A DATE TOMMY!" I whisper shout since the cafè is quite crowded but if I shout, people are going to stare at us.

"That was so fucking funny, I'm telling the stream." Tommy smiles, "hey, can I take a picture of us for my socials, I want to farm some likes."

"Sure," I say, "let's do it before we get our drinks and one after."

"Sounds good woman," Tommy took out his phone and we pose for the selfie, this is kind of cute. Tommy smiling and I have a thumbs up signs of both of my hands as I smile.

"Send me that one, I'll post that one." I point to a photo of us smiling at our table. "You can post the photo of our drinks."

We chat for a bit until we hear- "y/n and Tom," from the front counter.

"How about I go get the drinks since I'm the one who order it." I stand up.

"But you'll spill the drinks," Tommy stands up too.

"True," I sat down as Tommy went to the front counter to get the coffee. I steal a chance to take a pic of him getting the drinks.

I decide to tweet it.

*Picture of Tommy's back while getting the drinks from the cashier*
Big Man

coffee date?

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