Spider-man doesn't cry

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⚠️TW: Child death⚠️

This chapter is based on one of the Spiderman comics. I think it was called "The kid who collects Spider-man."



Peter took slow, sluggish steps down the sidewalk, nothing in him to care about his sopping wet suit. Not a person was in sight so it was silent, except for the droplets of rain hitting the ground.

He was so tired but he knew he wouldn't sleep that night.

His chest felt tight and all he wanted to do was scream and cry but he didn't have it in him to do anything but walk with his mind on autopilot.

Patrol hadn't gone well the past few weeks, he hadn't slept much, and of course that affected school and his overall mood.

He heard May talking to Tony a few nights prior about it when she thought Peter was asleep. She'd asked him if he noticed anything happened on patrol and Peter heard Tony said he'd check the baby monitor.

Well, Peter had Karen sensor out the events of the last few nights and the view of Peter's frustrated tears slipping down his cheeks under the mask as he threw a slow, exhausted punch towards a robber.

Peter was just a mess.

He tried, he really did try but it hadn't been enough lately.

He kept letting the bad guys go because of him being distracted. Peter had went to punch a robber but after the man dodged, Peter's fist had ended up slamming against an innocent person, landing them in the hospital. God, he felt awful after that. After his many failures, Spider-man was getting more hate on the media.

Tonight was just the tipping point though.



Peter turned around to see a boy- probably around 9 years old, dressed in a hospital gown and sneakers.

The hero had been leaning against the wall of an alleyway, frustratingly pushing the heels of his hands into his eyes after another shitty patrol. Another damn robber getting away. The past month had seemed like it was just screw up after screw up

He tilted his head in confusion, kneeling down to the child's height.

"Oh- hey kid. What's your name?" "I'm Thomas." Peter didn't miss the weak wheeze in his voice. "Are you ok?" "Oh...I'm supposed to be at queens children's hospital. The nurse lady says I'm sick. I haven't been allowed to leave for a while. "

That's when Peter realised how sickly he really looked. His frame was small and skinny, and his cheekbones were visable.

'Fuck,' Peter thought, his heart panging in sympathy.

"Well Thomas... what- what brought you to me?" "I've always wanted to meet you. I see you on youtube all the time! You're aweso-!" The boy's excitement was cut off by a bought of coughing.

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