Links past

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   "Link why did you run like you did"? Zelda asked Link. Link was a bit surprised that she hasn't heard after all news spread like wildfire after it happened. "It started when i was a kid".

-fifteen years ago-

  Link was a six year old boy with small dreams. He didn't want to be a popular guy and he didn't want to be a farmer like his family, he wanted to be himself. One day Link was walking home from school but when he arrived on the farm something felt off, Link pushed the door opened and almost vomited at the site, his parents on the floor covered in blood, around the corner came a hooded man who was also covers in blood but it wasn't his own. Link stood in fear his body frozen . He thought about thus man who had murdered his own family, his fear became anger and his anger became rage. Link tackled the man who stumbled at backwards, Link was thrown off when the man shook his foot, he hit his head on the counter knocking some utensils off. Link ignored the pain but the man inched closer drawing his sword, Link grabbed a fork and shoved it in the mans foot. The man screamed in agony and fell backwards dropping his sword. Link picked the blood stained blade up and stood over the man, the man looked at Link in fear and his eyes begged for his life. " this is for my family", Link said stomping on the fork in his foot, Link lifted up the sword its red blade shining in the sunlight. "Those who live by the sword due by it bitch", Link shoved the sword through mans chest, the man began gasping for air. The mans muscles relaxed and his eyes fell lifeless, that day Link made a promise to himself to not hurt a soul unless that soul deserved it.

-11 years later-

Link was now 17 and his life had changed, he found himself to be quite talented in swordsmanship. And just like his dream he was able to be himself, a knight. Link advanced through ranks and soon reached one of the highest classes but soon he became one the knights who carried out executions. Most of the people deserved and Link was still full filling his life long promise to himself. But one day he was to carry out an execution that would change his life, like before every execution he prayed to the goddess for her forgiveness he grabbed the two handed sword used for be heading. As he walked along the long and dark tunnel of the arena he heard many loud hate comments about the king. He didn't know what for until he walked outside, on the head block where executions were held was a girl who didn't look like she was 10 yet was chained up. Link was utterly horrified at the sight, he had many thoughts of self doubt, he had to fulfill his duty but this girl still had a life to live. Link walked toward the girl, her breathing was fast and heavy and her body was badly bruised. The king of Hyrule soon stood on a large step and overlooked the arena, "today we gather here to watch the unfortunate end of Elisabeth Camwell, she has been found guilty of many robberies and pickpockets. This rotten thief is to be executed before our own eyes". The king said, "Mrs Camwell do you have any final words or requests". The king asked her, " this kingdom can go fuck itself".

  The king snickered at her remark, " let the execution commence". Link walked to her sword in hand, his body still having its conflict, he saw the girl close her eyes in preparation and ready to except her fate. Link raised the sword over his head and memories of his family returned, he realised something that was the honest truth. 'I cant do it' he thought, Link swung the sword as hard as he could. People in the audience shut their eyes but the sound of metal hitting metal filled the arena, Link had aimed for her chains instead of her head. The girl looked at him, Link only managed to say one word "run".

After that Link found the champions tunic as well as a sword and shield and a hood to hide his identity. And Link traveled started his life as a fugitive.


   "Around a year later i found out that the girl i saved was caught and was set down a river tied up in a boat as it burned around around, That was her execution" Link finished. Zelda was holding back tears in her eyes, Link laid down on the ground and soon fell asleep. Zelda moved over to him and rubbed her fingers through his hair, "Goodnight Link".

Link: The Rogue KnightWhere stories live. Discover now