💌𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13

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"Let the hunt begin"


Little did I know of the events today.

After I finished streaming as "U/N" and everyone trying to expose Hiria on cheating on me-- which doesn't even make sense because we were never dating to begin with--- I was just hanging out with Dream, George and Sapnap before the manhunt started.

Well--- Crescent was hanging out with them-- seriously, how could everything come full circle?

"Hmmm... I wonder when the other two are getting on..." Dream muttered

"I don't understand why you couldn't of invited Antfrost and Bad again--" Sapnap jumps in

"That doesn't matter now, all that matters is the fact that they're late" George mentions "Though I guess they are just about finishing up their streams"

"Might I ask who else is coming to this session?" I asked

"Oh, uhhh... These two kids that go by Tommyinnit and Tubbo--- You ever heard of them? haha" Sapnap laughed

Bruh moment.

"...Yeah, I have. So they're the other two hunters?" I questioned

"Indeed" George says

And then, as if on cue, two people joined the call.

"HEYYYYYYYYY" Tommy shouts in the mic

Oh my fucking god-- I forgot I'm using a new discord---

"Calm the fuck down you child. You're making my ears bleed" I scoff, turning his volume down

Dream, Sapnap and George begin to laugh and Tommy seems shocked and taken aback.

"Wha-- WOMAN!! What is a WOMAN doing here?!?" Tommy exclaimed

"I told you in dm's Tomathy... She's a cool speed runner I was watching yesterday that got a good record on 1.16" Dream mentions

"Wow, a woman can do better than DRE??! That's not so good on your reputation" Tommy exclaimed

"Wait- You got a world record?" Tubbo asked

"It was just my first gaming stream, I was just lucky with that run" I say

"Now you're just sounding like U/N--" Tommy says

"Haha- you're totally right on that..!" Sapnap says

"It is kinda strange, you two kinda play the same too" George says

"How the fuck do you even determine that I play the same as U/N?" I questioned

"Also, do you know that girl who's friends with U/N--- whats her name.... Hiria? Are you two friends at all?" Dream asked

"Ohh yeahhh! She seemed really comfortable and flirty with you--- What was that about?" Sapnap asked

"Wait-- Hiria was flirting with her?? I though she liked U/N-- from what I know from twitter at least..." Tommy says

"Hiria flirted with you, Crescent..?" Tubbo questioned

"It was just a weird compliment. Nothing between us whatsoever" I mention "I don't even know her personally"

"Ohhhh, ice cold" Tommy says

"Tell me about it" Sapnap says

"Anyways-- I think we should get started-- get onto the server Tommy, Tubbo. You'll be helping George and Sapnap hunt me and Crescent" Dream says

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