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Name: Y/N Madara Uchiha
Height: same as Madara

Name: Y/N Madara Uchiha Height: same as MadaraLooks:

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Personality:  Cold, sadistic(in battle), ruthless, kindhearted(to those he cares about)

Likes: Ramen, fighting, toying with his opponent, U.A(although doesn't show it).

Dislikes: Weaklings, short battles, perverts, being looked down upon.

Quirks: Sharingan
Mangekyõ Sharingan(doesn't use it much)
Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan (永遠の万華鏡写輪眼.(gets it later on in the story)

Superhuman strength
Superhuman speed/reflexes
Superhuman agility and heightened senses
Superhuman durability
Precognition via Sharingan (can foresee his opponents next attack with the slightest muscle tension in their body)
Technique mimicry via Sharingan (can memorize and copy attacks and quirks after seeing them once)
Illusion creation (genjutsu)
Attack reflection
Fire manipulation
Gravity manipulation
Soul manipulation
Lightning Manipulation
Energy Manipulation
Air manipulation
Wood manipulation
Poison manipulation
Low level Reality Warping via Izanagi
Chakra absorption
Can create invisible clones
Regeneration (Low-Godly)

Rinnegan: Mastered the Deva and the Asura paths(although he doesn't use the second one that much)

If you are wondering he doesn't know there are more paths to the Rinnegan, he only finds out about them later on in the story .


I think that is about it, tell me if there is anything I need to add or anything like that and see you in the next chapter.

Boss checking out.


The descended of Madara Uchiha: BNHA x Male reader Where stories live. Discover now