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Sammayra's POV-  (the pov pictures are on laptop and it's not  charged now. Anyway moving on...)

It's been more than 2 day's I met Nathan, we haven't talked since then, I am so damn tired of crying, and wondering from when I became the Cryer, no matter how much I try tears are slipping, and after 2 days I am marrying that moron.

My mom came to my room, I am right now busy looking at mine and Nathan's pictures from my phone, which I almost broke because of my rage yesterday. 

"Sam come on till when you will be like this huh?" My mom asked while sitting on my bed.

"Till I get the divorce from him," I said with boredom.

"You didn't even go married and you're thinking of divorce, this is not good, maybe you can change him think it like this baby."

"Mom please, leave me alone and let me enjoy my freedom inside my room for at least the next 2 days."

"you're not going to be a prisoner there Sam, you can still do whenever you want."

"My job."

She stayed silent and I gritted my teeth.

"That's why mom, just leave me alone and stay away from me, I am doing whatever you guys wanted and I don't want to do anything with you at least right now, you're annoying me. And I don't have any control over my emotions right now."

She sadly nodded and left the room, I am feeling bad for her, but what about me, no one is even thinking about me, are they that selfish?

I heaved a sigh then only I get a text from my dad. 

Dad - Sam you have to go shopping with Ashton for wedding rings and dresses.

No thanks, I want to spend time with myself let that Ashton Carter enjoy his freedom which he is going to enjoy even after marriage, with numerous mistresses of his.

I shudder thinking about his nightstands.

Oh my god, that guy can totally have STD maybe he is already a walking human avatar of STD's.
No thanks, I am not going near him.

Sam to dad- No dad I know that he is probably that capable that he can choose the dress for me and rings as well, or else you can send your assistant I don't think I need to do anything.

I would have designed my own dress if I would be marrying Nathan but I am really not interested in doing that when I am not even marrying my love.

My phone buzzed and this was a text from the brand ambassador of STDs.

Asshole- Why do you think that I'll go shopping for YOUR dress and YOUR ring, you can go if you want and I don't give a fuck about what we're wearing until we're not naked.

Sam to Asshole- You don't need to do anything you can enjoy the head you're getting right now. Dad will do something even I don't give 2 flying fucks about what will happen.

Asshole -  Feelings are mutual and that head you're talking about is way better than sticking up with you.

Sam to Asshole- You're doing justice with your standards enfoiré.

Asshole- What does that even mean?

Sam to Asshole-  I know there is a little bit of gray matter left in your brain, I'll not consider it wasting on translating french.

Asshole- Say's who?

Sam to Asshole- your future fucking wife. ;) Believe me, enjoy however and how much you want, you're mistakingly marring to hell.

Asshole- Let's see who will win then. I will make sure to make you feel sorry.

Sam to Asshole- I am already feeling sorry but for you.

Asshole- Let's see who wins, whoever wins in this game of making each other's life hell will get to demand a divorce, first.

Oh hell yeah!!!

Sam to Asshole- Consider yourself lose then Asshole.

Asshole- Let's see bombasse ;)

How in the hell he knows french. And did he just called me hottie? 

My jaw was hanging on realization then only he texted me again.

Asshole- La matière grise est qu'il y a une quantité adéquate mon amour.

[Typed in french-(The gray matter is there is adequate quantity my love.)]

Oh my god, I wasted so much of my time text fighting this asshole, totally forgetting that I have to spend some alone time with myself and my blanket.

I kept the phone aside switching it off, looks like that's the main thing that is not allowing me to be alone. 

I slept thinking about so many things about to happen in my life, and somewhere I wised that I will wake up and this hell of a nightmare will burst.

Ashton's POV- 

She is getting on my nerves before even getting married and from texts only, I am in a rage because of that woman.

How she can be this stubborn, she can keep her ego aside and be a bit considering for a second, she should think that we're marrying and should listen to me as my mom listens to my dad.

Not like her, she doesn't know how to love and respect.

And do you?

My conscience mocked me.

At least I am respectful to my um... my- ...

Fuck it.

The thing is that I am getting married after 2 days and no one is going to be there in that marriage and I am thankful for that, dad was about to arrange a big fat ass wedding, but thank god he listens to me for the first time.

We will just sign and get married in form of her and my parents and then boom, she will I've in her room and I'll bein mine no matter what she does, it would not matter to her what I do. And maybe like this, we can do a bit good in this marriage. 

From the good, I mean not killing each other. We still fight as we used to in high school and because of her, I stopped bullying that nerd Nathan.

Oh yeah, what about that nerd? Did she leave him?

Anyway, why do I care. But the thing is which is the weirdest thing of all time and the weirdest thing anyone can listen is, I feel normal while fighting with her, just wondering what I'll do if she gave me silent treatment after us getting married, because I am so used to fight with her. 

I like the fact that we're on the same page at least somewhere. If she will decide to give me silent treatment then I'll provoke her to fight with me I guess.

Or better I'll not let her come in front of me, this way I'll not feel anything. That fighting satisfaction will not be needed when I'll not see her in the first place...

Just wondering what will happen after 2 days.

And the day came.... When I am marrying her. And I am not able to feel anything. For the first time.

I am going to be married, with my enemy.

This is my marriage with the enemy.

Snee Schiffer- Hope you like it, next chapter will be - marriage with the enemy.
See what I did there ;) 
LOve you all mah people. Peace out. 

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