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At break of fuchsia dawn to paint the crest

of sea's horizon, th'anchor's made aweigh

and sails drop to catch the winds inside

whilst th'hull's connection to its berth is cut,

and on the lapping waters doth begin

the ship to glide on glassy surfaces

provided by a wind against the sea

which carries them away and stills the tide.

The Captain's at the helm and barks commands

toward his sailors rushing to and fro                10

to carry out his orders with the haste

he's come t'expect of sailors in his crew,

or else they're not for long aboard his ship,

whilst they, the joyful crew, sing songs to keep

in time with one another as they work

in order that their trip doth smooth remain

to see them safely t'ward the other shore.

Inside their quarters underneath the deck,

upon a bed of straw, a tiny space,

our Pilgrim and the Spouse are waiting out                20

th'initial launch where things are busiest

before they're on the open waters, which

should make it calmer up above the deck

except in moments of disaster few,

and though our Pilgrim knows a thing or two

about the sailing of a ship, he's told

he'd only wreck the synergy of theirs

if he contributed, so he should not,

which dothn't bother him as it's been long

since laying down his hands upon a rig.                30

But though he's rusty in the many ways

of sailing, Spouse is curious to know

what sort of life he led before began

his pilgrimage, and so she asks about

this time he's mention'd ere, to which he gives

an answer stating that the city which

presided o'er his town impos'd a law

to make conscription mandatory there

upon two decades' age and til the next,

so at the age of twenty did he join                40

the navy, as their purpose was protect

the merchant ships for trade with foreign lands

instead of fighting and invading them

as th'army's infantry was made to do,

and this did better resonate with him,

a lowly Preacher propagating peace.

The Spouse then asks if ever he was forc'd

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