💌𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 14

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"My luck is all i'm good for"


My phone continues to buzz next to my ear.

"the fuck..?" I muttered out in annoyance, who the fuck woke me up?

I sat up and turned on my phone to see I was getting a call from an unknown number.
Annoyed, I decided to answer it.

"Hello..?" I said groggily into the phone, sounding a little hint of anger in my voice

"Woah... U/N? Is this you..?" I hear Eret's voice say

shit. this isn't my normal phone- fuck you certains making my room dark and unable to see..!!

I quickly cleared my throat and began to speak.

"H-huh..? O-oh, sorry about that Eret... I just woke up... How did you get my number?" I asked

"I asked Hiria for your number because I need your help with something-- and, uhh... sorry about waking you..." Eret mutters

Oh- right. I almost forgot that Hiria and Eret were decently good friends with one another...

"No, no... It's fine. What's up?" I question, leaning back on my bed's back board

"Sooo... There's this competition that Mr Beast set up on the Dream SMP. He hid ten thousand dollars worth of Taco Bell somewhere on the SMP-- If you can humbly please... help me, Awesomedude and Antfrost out? We can split the money if you want some" Eret explained

"Wait-- Ten thousand dollars worth of Taco Bell?--- mad men on the Dream SMP, aint there?" I mutter

Eret chuckles at my word "True, true... So, do you mind giving us a hand?"

"Yeah, sure, no problem" I say "Let me get on my PC and i'll help search"

"Alrighty, we'll be waiting" Eret says, ending the call with me

I ended the call and stared blankly at the phone.

He's using me...

He really decided to use me to make him win...

Oh well, I guess that's fine-- everyone needs to benefit in some way...

I hurried over to my computer, turning it on and logging onto discord to join Eret's call. And once I did---

"Hey U/N!! Welcome to the search party!" Awesomedude says

"Hi U/N! Glad to have you!" Antfrost jumped in

"Hey Aweseome! Ant!, Glad to be here!" I smiled "Okay! Now that i'm here....! are there any rules to this I need to know about?"

"Uhh, yeah. So, we can't look up any of the coordinates online, we can't use social media to help us, we can't look at chat, and you need to be streaming if you are participating" Eret quickly explained "As well as that it's within a 10,000 block radius from spawn-- that's pretty much all"

Wait- we have to stream if we're participating..?

If that's the case, then he's participating.... And if he's streaming and didn't mute his mic, then everyone heard the conversation we had.

Everyone heard my voice.

...I hope no one noticed and passed it off as my morning voice.

"A-ahah...ahhh, gotcha. Let me start streaming, I don't think i'll be doing my face cam though... Too much work since I look so bad when I wake up from a rest- you ever feel like that Eret?" I question

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