Angella wants to come back and die

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Swift Wind flew back to Bright Moon and unfortunately he arrived safely. Swift Wind knows that marrying Micah may cause some controversy since Micah was married before.

Swift Wind flies down to Angellas statue and looks at it. He always wondered why Micah would marry an immortal person when he would die.

"Hey, I'm taking your husband and I'm making him mine." Swift Wind says.

The statue being a statue didn't respond but Angella's ghost could hear him and wanted to come from between the portals just to properly die.

"Fuck off Swift Wind. Glimmah has to approve you stupid fucking horse!" Angella's ghost yells.

"What's that? You want me to marry Micah?" Swift Wind asks the air.

If guns were real, Angella would have shot him thousands of times. Angella didn't want anything to do with this mistake of a horse.

"No! Don't you dare go near my husband! He doesn't even like you!" Angella says.

"What's that? You want me to have sex with him and have children with him?" Swift Wind asks.

"No! How the hell do you even know what sex is???" Angella screams.

Swift Wind being an idiot still doesn't know what having sex means. At this point he thinks it's kissing or some deeper kissing.

"I don't really know what sex is but I know it's showing love and I want to show all my love and affection to Micah!" Swift Wind says.

Ghost Angella is banging her head against her statue, begging to come back and kill Swift Wind.

"I just want you to fly off a cliff and have your wings not work, you waste of oxygen." Angella says.

"Well I'm going to ask him out in front of everyone and I know he will say yes." Swift Wind says.

"What a fucking idiot." Angella mutters.

Catra and Adora were secretly listening and Adora wanted to help Swift Wind while Catra wanted to kill him.

"Swift Wind I think we can help." Adora says.

Swift Wind turns around to see Catra and Adora standing there and he's happy he has help to ask out the love of his life.

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