21. Such a Long Introduction.

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My deepest apologies, if the story is lame. But I wrote this in a day, and didn't have any other ideas.




 I turned to find Percy, his mouth wide open in surprise, and his eyes squinting to be sure that he was seeing right.

 His lips were twitching into a smile, like he had just seen a long lost friend.

 "Who...are they?"

 Tony whispered, as the people in the footage slayed all the monsters in sight in an instant. I blinked at their speed, and blinked again when Percy and Rin jumped up from their seats in the corner of my eye.

 Their eyes bright and twinkling, they began rushing over to the exit, and I took a few strides in order to stop them from leaving our supervision.

 "Where're you going?"

 I asked firmly as Percy screeched to a stop, making Rin crash behind him as a result.

 "They're our friends!"

 Beamed Percy, and I raised an eyebrow. Those monster slaying, sword wielding humans were their friends? Well it did make sense, since Percy and Rin didn't seem entirely different from them either, but-


 I shouted as they both ran around me, and dashed down the hallway towards the stairs.


 Clint, who sat in the corner, rolled his eyes, as he stood up. He walked past me, and went out the exit as well.

 A few seconds later, his head popped in.

 "Aren't y'all coming?"

 I sighed, gripping my temple, and strode out of the place as well, followed by the others behind. 



 For the.... third? Time in the whole week, Rin and I were dashing down the stairs at top speed. My heart was pounding at the memory of the honey blonde hair flashing in and out of the camera footage, tearing down monsters with a dagger, and the silver eyes that had been in my head for days popped up again.

 I was seeing Annabeth.

 I was going to meet my friends.

 I didn't care what was about to happen to this world. It was probably going to get wrecked again by Tartarus's army, but at this very minute, all I could think of was meeting my friends again. Gods, I seriously missed them.

 When we reached the first floor, me and Rin burst through the door, to find ourselves face to face with a whirlwind of yellow dust. 

 Coughing and hacking our lungs out, we peered through the yellowish hew, to find a tall figure in the middle, his hand waving around as the dust slowly drifted out of the building, towards the sky above.

 Jason smiled at us as soon as the air cleared, and I smiled in delight.

 "Yo, Whatsup Jaso-"

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