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I slammed shut yet another cupboard door and then opened another.

I was surprised I hadn't ripped one off its hinges yet, considering we were in my old house.

"What are you doing?" My brother questioned, stepping into the room.

I ignored him and slammed another cupboard door shut.

"Need help finding something?" Peter asked, standing next to him.

I pulled open the final door and smiled when I found what I wanted.

"Got it"

I grabbed the bottle and started pouring the contents of it everywhere.

"What are you doing!" My brother exclaimed.

"Repeating history" I snapped, pulling open the set of draws to grab the matches.

"Shay-" he stepped closer to me.

"You followed me here" I spat.

"Shay-" he repeated.

"Don't come any closer" I warned.

With my hands shaking, I took a match from the box and struck it. The flame lit up.

"Shay stop it" Peter said firmly.

"Why? I don't want to walk through the woods and see this house anymore. There's nothing here for us. Every inch of this house is filled with memories of the people I love that have died"

Derek edged closer to me.

"You think I haven't lost people too. You think I haven't wanted to burn this house to the ground!"

"Everyone is dead. Pretty much our whole family is dead. There is nothing here for us anymore. Why should I have to walk past here every day and be reminded of what happened!"

"Shay this isn't you. You're upset about Stiles and you're not thinking straigh-"

"This isn't all about me!" I screamed. "This is about the Argents. This is about our family. Our dead family. Our mother!"

The flame started to burn lower and lower down the match. I could feel the heat against my fingers.

"Shay you need to calm down" Peter said firmly.

"There's nothing left for us!" I yelled. "So why not just burn it to the ground"

I went to throw the match down but I was suddenly thrown half way across the room.

The match slipped from my hand and I watched as Peter grabbed it, putting it out.

My brother and I tumbled to the ground and I growled. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me down on the floor.

"Get off of me!" I yelled.

"Not until you calm down!"

I pushed him off and scrambled off the floor.

I started running until I was flung forwards.

I slid across the floorboards until I hit the wall, knocking the air out of me.

Suddenly, my throat felt tight and I couldn't get any air in.

I started to cough, which lead to me choking on something.

"What's happening to her?" My brother's face appeared in front of mine. "What's happening to her!" He yelled at Peter.

"I don't know!"

Instinctively, I touched my hand to my throat, still choking.

And then it all stopped.

I heard a buzz of something and I looked over to the noise, the tears in my eyes clouding my vision.

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