~Chapter 9~

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A Short Chapter 9: Stealing the Holy Liar.

Author: *Sings.* Sarangeul haetda uriga manna Jiuji mothal chueogi dwaetda!~~~~~~~~~~ LOVE SCENARIO!!!!!!!

Lumine: *Is concerned.* Uh- Author-

Author: LOVE SCENARIIOOOOOO!!!!!!!~~~~

Diluc: *Scoffs, and slaps Author across the face.

Author: *Yelps.* WHAT THE HELL- *Noticed you guys waiting.* Oh. *coughs.* Hello all and welcome to another chapter!

Author: I-I was totally not singing my favorite song-

Author: Anyways, I wanted to apologize for this chapter taking so long. My life has not been the greatest. Full of stress and pain.

Author: Homework and Shark Week does not mix, especially when you had to work also. Thank you for the people who stuck by me, and have been patient. I really appreciate it. 

Author: But I have another favor to ask, it you could, share this story with strangers on Wattpad, or even your friends who are weebs like us.

Author: Who knows? Your best best friend might secretly like the waifu's. 

Author: Just saying. 

Author: Before we start though, comment down your favorite fanfic you've ever read! Besides mine sillies. And, comment down your favorite K-pop song, or if you don't listen to k-pop, then comment your favorite American song. 

Author: Anyways, without further ado, On to the chapter!!!~~


Going to the church was a big mistake, it wasn't a bad thing, but it's just Venti didn't expect to be rejected by the main nun. He tried everything, even pretending to be the God Barbetos, which she did not believe. 

Now here you are, sitting on top of the Roof of the chapel, waiting for night to come. Venti said night time will be best, which will make it easy for you and Lumine to grab it and go.

He also mentioned that there will be guards....well, guarding it. So you have to be sneaky during this mission. Thank gosh you played some stealth games, or you'd be freaking out by now. 

Not that you remember the tactics of sneaking, just go in, kneel, and pray to lord Jesus you don't get caught. Well, in this case, it's barbatos. 

You were looking at the sunset in front of you, wondering how it looks better than the sunsets you see at home? To be honest, you rarely go outside anymore.

Who needs air when you have video games and food? (That's a mood.)

But, something about this sunset strikes your heart. The color of a light pink, mixed with a pretty orange, and how the clouds look like white Icing, finishing the sky like its a delicious cake. It always took your breath away, seeing how every sunset seems to be different. Somehow, it makes you think when your mom used to do this. 

Every time the sunset changes, she would take you to the roof of your house, setting up blankets and little pillows for you to watch the Sunset and the stars. It was a tradition you'd always do, ever since you were little. That memory put a smile onto your face, having your hands keep the locket close to your chest. 

Air started to pick up, the coolness brushing over your cheeks, while it hinted a little sting from the cold. You're hair blew with it, little bits went onto your face, making it slightly itchy. 

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