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Sky and Bloom stood back to back in the forest. Both had assumed Poppy would follow them but since she wasn't currently with them, they had presumed she had gone to get help. Sky felt slightly guilty that he was thankful he was with Bloom in the forest and not Poppy since he didn't know if his heart could take it if Poppy was in that much danger.

Both looking one way they took no notice of the dark figure with red eyes up in the tree. The burned one jumped out at them and the two teenagers spun around to face the burned one which swiped at them both instantly knocking Bloom to the ground. Sky managed to block two hits with his sword before he was knocked down too.

The burned one refocused on Bloom and raised its mutated hand to end her life but at the last moment they heard Stella command, "Close your eyes!" Both Sky and Bloom did exactly as she said as Stella held both her hands put emitting a powerful white light which made the burned one stumble back and attempt to cover its face.

Once the light was gone, Terra held out two hands and vines wrapped around its legs so it couldn't advance on them whilst Sky and Bloom hurried to get up. Bloom threw out her hands expelling a large beam of fire and called for her friend, "Aisha!" Aisha nodded forcing her hands out the same way Bloom did and water mixed with the fire creating a field of steam around the monster.

During the time that the burned one was distracted by the steam, Sky snuck up behind it and as the beast turned around pushed his sword threw its stomach and twisted the blade before harshly yanking it out.

It dropped to the floor and the five girls approached in slow steps towards in which time Sky took deep breaths making sure it didn't move. Musa's eyes glowed involuntarily as she could still feel something coming from it and held out her hand to stop them, "Wait. I don't think it's-"

The girls took panicked steps back as it got back on its legs and before it could attack again its chest burst with orange light, it squealed and hissed before finally crumpling to the floor.

"No, it wasn't dead. It is now." The headmistress spoke from behind them her eyes glowing a steely grey before it faded. They all let out sighs of relief and Sky sheathed his sword.

Terra stepped forward looking at Sky and Bloom, "Where's Poppy?"

They all looked around and noticed that the cheeky earth fairy was in fact not with them. Sky turned to the girls confused, "I thought she went and got you?" He asked the girls getting more panicked as the colour seemed to drain from their faces.

"No, we came because of Bloom's text," Terra shook her head not smiling at all which was unusual since even when she felt socially awkward she still had a smile on her face, "she's not here? Where is she then?" That question remained unanswered as they glanced at the dead burned one and dread seemed to fill them all.

𝒮𝒪𝑀𝐸𝒟𝒜𝒴 | Sky - FATE: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now