Together Again

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Chapter Twenty

"She's got the eyes of innocence; The face of an Angel. A personality of a Dreamer and a smile that hides more pain then you could ever imagine."

~Rachel's POV~

How many times am I going to wake up in a place I don't like?

    The voices floating around me were familiar...I knew them all. I knew where I was after the haze had left my brain. I opened my eyes little by little, blinking away the film. When the shapes finally turned into people, they all surrounded my bed in a hurry.
   I heard them all talking to me at once, causing a headache to form in my temples. I groaned and forced my numb limbs to help sit me up.

"Now, now, don't strain yourself." Morgan's voice rang out.

   I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths. My stomach was very sore,making me wince slightly. When I could look up again, I saw Penelope smiling at me and gently wrapping her arms around me. I chuckled weakly and gave her a small hug back.
   The doctor was standing beside me, his hands gently examining the tubes connected into my arm and the machines that beeped every few minutes.
   I noticed flowers on the counter, along with a few small cards sticking onto the vases. J.J and Rossi talked to me for a bit before I noticed someone standing outside of the hallway. His back was turned to me, but his long hair gave him away. I could tell even from here that he was nervous. It was Reid. Morgan noticed me looking and went over to him.
   He pulled him into the room. As soon as he stepped inside, the room seemed to quiet down. Penelope and J.J was the first to walk out, followed by Morgan and Rossi. Hotch pulled out his cellphone, a confused look on his face as he looked around the now empty room.

"I am going to hold Charles in an interragating room. I'm going to talk to him and see if he's hiding any extra information. Reid, we'll need you back at the office in a short while. I will call you."

   Reid only nodded, leaving Hotch to shut the door behind him as he and the doctor walked out. The silence was smothering me and I felt my face turn hot as I just stared at the ground. I peeked to see Reid staring not at me, but of the bandages that showed as the blankets were pulled back.

"You told them..." I whispered, my voice sounding louder as it cut through the tense silence.

   He pursed his lips, struggling to find the words. He nodded, finally looking me in the eyes and stepping closer. I looked at the tubes that went into my arms and wrist, following it to an IV bag dangling from the stand. Reid let one hand lean on the hospital bed, inches from mine.

"Yes I did tell was for your safety. You were badly hurt and you didn't even bother to tell anyone. I can't keep letting you just try and take care of these things yourself. Rachel...i care about much. I can't keep seeing you like this." His voice cracked and I was surprised when I looked up to see tears in his eyes.

"D-Don't cry...Please? I understand why you told. I'm glad you did.." I said softly, trying to get him to look me in the eyes.

   He finally did, nodding and looking back down at the floor. Ignoring the tug of the needles in my arm, I reached over and intertwined my fingers with his. He didn't object as he gave my hand a little squeeze.

"When can I go your house?" I asked.

   The wind outside howled and I looked over to watch the trees shiver and dance in the moonlight. Just as he was about to speak, the doctor walked in and smiled warmly at me. Reid's hand vanished from mine and I leaned back into the lumpy pillow behind me and sighed.

"How are you feeling, Rachel?" He asked, looked at my face and waiting.

"A lot better..when can I leave?"

   The Doctor laughed at my abruptness. He flipped through a clipboard for a couple minutes before looking up behind his glasses at me. I was ready to get up and leave right now, right this second.

"I would like to keep you overnight, just to make sure you are okay. I would li-"

"Doctor, she really needs to get home. Please, she hasn't seen her sister in so long and she needs a night in her own bed again. I will defenitly keep watch over her. I will bring her here as soon as something isn't right. Please, she wants to go home." Reid cut off the Doctor, almost pleading to him.

   He pursed his lips and doubtfully looked at me then back at Reid. He was shaking his head, but he thought for a moment or two then sighed.

"Alright, I want you to call me and bring her here as soon as things start to go wrong. Even if it is something small, still bring her here. Give me a minute to fill out the discharge papers and you are free to go. Let's try to stay away from being in this hospital for awhile?"

   I chuckled and nodded to him as he left the room. I looked down at the gown I was wearing and made a face. I looked over and saw a pile of folded clothes sitting in the chair and smiled. Thank you J.J. After some help with Reid getting me into the bathroom, he waited outside while I changed.
   Once I had gotten back out, Reid had a firm arm around me as he helped me walk out the door. I was still in my socks, but I was too tired to care about that now. The Doctor and Reid talked for a short while until my eyes drooped and I leaned heavily onto Reid. They said their goodbyes as he practically carried me to his car. I knew it had to be late out, the clouds softly lit up with the pale light of the moon.
   I yawned quietly as Reid helped me into the seat. Once he started the car and drove off, my eyes were closed shut. I didn't want to open them, the warmth of the heater and the soft hum of the engine was almost a lullaby to me.
   Reid softly talked on his cellphone, the other person not being heard as they talked about the man, Charles, until we got to his house. I forced myself to move as I opened the door up and stumbled out. We made it inside the door and I couldn't stand anymore as I plopped down onto the couch. I could feel the soreness increase to pain as the medication quickly wore off.
   I felt a blanket being put over me and sleepily thanked him. I heard the door open and instantly shot up. I groaned as the pain came back and I looked at Reid.

"Don't leave just yet...Please..."  I said.

   He stood there for a minute before he slowly closed the door and made his way over to me. I scooted over a little bit and looked down at my hands. I noticed they were shaking and the headache progressed.
   He awkwardly laid down beside me and I saw his face turning red. I slowly moved my head on his chest while he slid his arms around me. I placed my hand on his stomach and settled in.
   He pulled me against him and his hand soothingly rubbed my arm. I fluttered my eyes closed and enjoyed the warmth he gave me. I liked this feeling, I wanted it more often.
   Exhaustion hit me hard and before I knew it, I was slipping into my dream world. Before I went completely under, I heard the ring of a cellphone. I felt his lips linger on my forehead for a few seconds before he whispered in my ear, thinking I was asleep. His voice was warm and clear.

"I will keep you safe...I won't let you go."

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