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Chapter 2

I awoke to white walls and white-squared floors. I had a pounding headache, like someone was hammering a knife into my head. I tried to sit up and ached in pain. So I just lay there, looking up at the ceiling, figuring that i'm in a hospital. I don't remember what happened. " What the hell .. " I thought " I need to remember what happened. " It just didn't seem to fit together for me to remember. I heard a soft knock on the door. " Come in " I said coughing from a sore throat. A lady walked in dressed in white and red, a nurse's outfit. " Good, you're awake " she says " I'm Nurse Beilfire, call me Stacy. " I waved and gave her a smile, she returned. She took my blood pressure and gave me a couple shots. Someone else knocked on the door. "May I come in ?" A soft voice said, sounding familiar. I really don't remember much, so I didn't know. "Yes, come on in" said Stacy. A woman walked in with a child. Who were these people ? "Oh darling, are you okay ?" The woman said "How are you feeling ?" Before I could answer, Stacy did it for me. "She can't talk to you right now, her voice is in much pain." The woman looked disappointed "Oh alright, I was just so worried." she said, putting the child on her lap while she took a seat and watched the process of me getting taken care of. "I understand" said Stacy. "Now, here's the last step, young lady. I'll give you this shot and I have to draw your blood then, I'll take care of the rest. Alright ?" I nodded my head in agreement. She gave me the shot and blood was drawn. Five minutes after she'd drawn my blood, she looked at it. Her eyes had widen, her mouth dropped, as if to the floor. She looked around the room, as if surprised or scared. Stacy looked at me, with eyes full of tears. "I'm so sorry .. " she said , she turned to the woman and something clicked about the woman, I remember her, she was my mother and the child, was my little sister Cia. Stacy turned to them both, tears flowing down her face, "And I'm sorry to both of you also .." She said, what had happened ? She then ran out and made a right into the hallway and all you could hear was whimpers, the sound of sniffing, and mumbled words. The sounds soon floated away from our distance.

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