Cavalry, Revelry

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"Izuku, what the hell are we going to do? I feel like everyone already is going to eat our throats." Kyoka asked and Izuku was just equally as worried. "I don't know... almost everyone already has their teams. O-Ojiro?" Izuku said noticing the boy with the tail who dropped a sweat and scooted away. "Sorry, Midoriya."

"It's hopeless, we are goners."


Izuku and Kyoka turn around to see their bird headed buddy, Tokoyami. "T-Tokoyami? You would join our team?" Kyoka said and Tokoyami nodded. "I think joining you would be my best chance, you got a plan Midoriya?" The bird headed boy said and Izuku thought for a bit. What if they used Kyoka and Tokoyami's quirks for offense and.

"Iida! Would you join our team? I could be the rider, you can be the horse with Kyoka and Tokoyami as the sides with offense, their quirks are long ranged which can be good for defending the one-million." Izuku stated with Kyoka and Tokoyami nodding at the back. "Sounds like a reasonable plan, but I am going to have to decline, Midoriya. Don't see this as me not wanting to join as a mean to disrespect you, I just want to prove myself against you." Iida stated. Kyoka and Izuku sighed in defeat, looking down.

"Iida, come on." Todoroki can be heard and this just made the matters worse for Izuku, Kyoka and Tokoyami. Great what were they going to do now? 

"Hey One-Million boy."

Izuku along with Kyoka and Tokoyami turn around once more to see a bubble-gum pink haired girl wearing googles. "Team up with me! You having all the points will definitely get me seen by some companies to hire me!" She shouted as she was in Izuku's face. "Whoa Whoa so close who even are you!"

" I am Mei Hatsume. A student from the support course." She introduced herself and Tokoyami seemed to recognize her as Izuku and Kyoka were left clueless. "Ah, you were the girl with the gadgets who crossed the pit fall with ease. Midoriya, Jiro, you were to far ahead to see her in action." The bird head explained and Hatsume nodded. 

"And I want to use your fame as my personal advantage." 

'That's pretty straight forward.' Izuku and Kyoka thought in union as Tokoyami hummed in response. "Yea, and if I teamed up with you, I would be part of the spotlight too since you will be the team everyone's keeping their eyes on. That way I can get my cute little babies to be seen by the different companies C.E.Os who are tuning in on this years sports festival." Hatsume was rambling on about how she could use Izuku's team to get on the spotlight. This made Izuku and Kyoka feel a bit uncomfortable and Tokoyami was just, being a birb. 

Then a light bulb was brought upon Izuku's head. They didn't need Iida. Hatsume was from the support course, so she is bound to have something that can boost their speed right?

"H-hey Hatsume, d-do you have something to increase our overall speed?" Izuku asked and Kyoka along with Tokoyami immediately saw where Izuku was going with this. He was getting a good, if not better replacement for Iida. This was a good plan, that way the only people they really had to worry about were Todoroki and his team, but then again, they have a really good defense with Kyoka and Tokoyami.

"Hah! what do you take me for?! Of course I do!" Hatsume shouted out, taking out a box seemingly out of no where. 'Oh, so she also has a magic satchel.' Kyoka thought getting some memories for 'Deadpool'. Hatsume pulled out some boots which looked like they had some kind of engine and pads. 

"These babies are my hover speed boots. They can speed you up and your feet don't even have to touch the ground." Hatsume said holding a remote with  her left hand. "Where did you-." "This is the remote that I use to increase their speed and turn on and off for the hovering." Hatsume interrupted Kyoka making her face go deadpan. 'Oh she doesn't care about us....'

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