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Over the course of the next few days, Ellie had found it rather hard to focus on her overloaded homework and classwork

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Over the course of the next few days, Ellie had found it rather hard to focus on her overloaded homework and classwork. So did every other sixth-year student, as it was piled on like no tomorrow, but for Ellie, she had also had Nikolai and his journal on her mind, if there was the possibility of a Dark Mark truly being on his arm at this very moment. 

Silas was not surprised when Ellie had explained everything to him and told him what she had read in the journal. Though she had not been able to read the entire journal, it was clear what the rest written in it was. 

"I did say that's exactly what it was, didn't I?" was all Silas said after Ellie had explained, to which she nodded. 

"I suppose it was obvious," Ellie murmured, staring down at her bowl of cereal, stirring it with a look of distaste on her face. 

Ellie looked away from her food and clear across the room, scanning the Slytherins at their table for that familiar white-blond hair, and she had spotted him way at the end of it, staring distantly ahead, not having bothered to put a dish of food in front of himself. Silas followed her eye. 

"So... are you two a thing?" 

Ellie snapped her eyes away from Draco and looked right at Silas. "What? No!"

Silas threw his hands up defensively. "Just a question. You two are always making eyes at each other, and who knows what really went down in that secret meeting of yours... or should I say-"

"If you say who I'm going to drench you with my cereal," Ellie said, playfully narrowing her eyes at Silas before breaking out into a fit of snickers. She looked down at her food again and began to stir it. "Besides... him and I could never be a thing."

"Sure you could. Imagine the look on Orlov's face if he saw you two walking around holding hands."

"Draco said Nikolai's father is dangerous, and if Nikolai talks rubbish to his father, he'll bring down the Malfoys," Ellie frowned. "Therefore, we could never be a thing."

"For now," Silas smirked. He smacked his chest and let out a small belch, before saying, "Well, I'll be getting ready to leave for Hogsmeade soon. Are you sure you're going to be all right here without me? Even Lavender and Parvati are going."

Ellie nodded, pushing away her bowl of cereal. "I'll be fine. I'll just...hang out in my dorm or go for a walk on the grounds. I expect Nikolai'll be in Hogsmeade."

Silas huffed with a curl of his lip. "Yeah, probably doing something evil."

But Ellie was sure she would hear all about it when Silas was back from Hogsmeade. Ellie would have gone with him, but she had left her home before she could get her parents to sign their permission. Such a silly thought, that it was not long until she'd be seventeen and could legally be married, but at this moment could not even leave for Hogsmeade without a parent's consent. 

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