Matchmakers (Peter Parker)

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Requested by Mcfrog12345: Y/N and Peter are Avengers and have feelings for each other, but the other doesn't know. Y/N tells the women on the Avengers and Peter tells the men, so the other Avengers set them up

Y/N's P.O.V

"Girls' night!" Natasha squealed, making Wanda, Pepper and I laugh and cheer as she brought over a tray of cocktails.

"I feel like I've been waiting months for Tony to finally let us do this." I chuckled, taking a sip of the drink as the others nodded in agreement. I had been part of the Avengers for a few years now, along with Spiderman, AKA Peter Parker. Tony had decided a few months ago that due to the high stress of our jobs, we'd have a girls' night and a boys' night every month. And so, I was sitting here with the women, drinking, whilst the guys were doing the same thing on the other side of the tower.

"So, what's new with everyone?" Pepper asked.

"Vision took me to a lovely restaurant the other day. They did amazing sushi." Wanda smiled.

"That sounds so nice. Bruce and I went to go see the newest DC movie, that was one worth watching." Natasha chuckled.

"What about you, Y/N?" Pepper asked.

"In case you gals haven't noticed, our line of work doesn't leave much time for love. Unless you find it within the team, which, considering all of the guys are twenty years older than me, and taken, isn't going to happen." I chuckled as I raised my drink to my lips.

"Well, what about Peter?" my eyes widened and I choked on my drink.

"That's our answer right there." Wanda teased, making Pepper and Natasha chuckle. I looked at them.

"Peter? N-no, he's just a friend." I lied and shook my head.

"I don't know, babe. I've walked in on you guys cuddling on the sofa too many times to consider that to be just a friendship." Pepper chuckled. I sighed and gulped.

"So what if I do like him like that? It doesn't matter anyway, he'd never go for someone like me." I mumbled.

"Someone like you? Someone amazing, smart, beautiful, kind and strong? Because Peter knows better than to be too intimidated by a strong woman to date her." Natasha shook her head. I looked at them.

"You really think that I might have a shot?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course you do! Peter would be a fool not to feel the same way." Wanda reassured. I smiled and looked down, allowing myself to hope that maybe, I did have a shot after all.

Peter's P.O.V

"Boys' night!" Tony yelled, making Peter, Steve, Bruce and Thor cheer as he walked over with a tray of beers.

"Here's to a night of no missions, and no ball and chains!" Steve exclaimed as he held up his beer.

"Steve?! You'll jinx it!" Bruce scoffed, making all of them laugh.

"Um, speaking of relationships, can I have your advice on something?" Peter asked, looking at them timidly. All of the guys raised their eyebrows at him.

"Go on, Pete." Tony encouraged. Peter gulped and took a swig of his beer before looking down.

" I may or may not have a crush on someone, and I don't know how to pursue it." he admitted.

"You mean that you definitely have a crush on Y/N." Thor scoffed. Peter's eyes widened and his head shot up to look at them.

"What? Is it that obvious?" he gulped.

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