This was just the beginning for the villainess.

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"Hello, father," the princess hissed, drawing a dagger.

The king paled.

Guards began to run forward.

The king held out his hand to stop them.

"What do you want," he asked coldly to the princess.

She walked forward, leveling their eye contact, for no man would ever look down at her.

"Your life."

And she slashed the dagger down.

The queen screamed from the throne next to the dead king, whose head was lolling on its side, blood spilling all over the floor, soaking in the rich red carpet, barely visible.

The guards seized her arms, taking her in front of the queen by sword point.

The queen glared at her daughter. "Look what my little daisy came to be. We both loved you so much- and you do THIS? Ruin our family?"

The princess shrugged and smiled despite the fact she was in chains and being held at swordpoint.

"I just never liked you both very much."

"Since when have we treated you wrong?" the queen demanded.

"Hmm," the princess mockingly acted as though she was thinking very hard. "Sending me off, to rid of me for the summer? Telling me what to do, and to act as a 'proper lady'? Actually considering giving my hand away, for some damn gold, not even considering how I felt about the whole ordeal?"

The queen glared at her coldly. "Take her away. You traitor."

The princess merely laughed as she was being dragged away. "You will regret this very, very much, mother...."

This may seem like the ending to a miserable story of a powerless princess but this was just the beginning for the villainess.

Collection Of Dark POVs.  Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now