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Just a little note bc the last chapter consisted mostly of comments saying that Harry needs to tell Louis about therapy. PLEASE think about these sorts of situations from another point of view! Harry is not ready to tell Louis. He already took a big step to even go to therapy. He and Louis are not married, Harry has all rights to his privacy. He told Louis he wasn't cheating. That is up to Louis to trust his partner.
If this was a real life situation and someone was feeling pushed to open up about something like this, it could end very badly. People who have ptsd, depression, anxiety, etc. can be triggered by being pushed into things! Please be aware of all of this. ❤️
I know this is just a story, but I wanted to put this note out here to remind you all that these are situations that happen in real life, and how they should actually be treated! I love you guys, thank you for reading! ❤️


Louis was avoiding Harry. He wasn't trying to, not at first, but then he realized he was a lot less stressed when he wasn't worrying about what Harry was doing in his free time. Louis stayed late at the theater constantly, and then started staying at Jade's house.

It was Friday, and Jade was going out of town with her parents, and Louis was so nervous to have to go back home to Harry since he hadn't seen much of the man, and it's not like Harry was making any effort to speak to him, either.

Louis was heading out of the building, wincing when hearing the rain because he had no ride home and  he wasn't quite smart enough to text anyone beforehand. He grunted as he pulled out his phone to send his boyfriend a message, when he felt a hand on his back, turning to see Ashton, who he'd been speaking to a good bit lately. He was glad they could actually be friends now, because he'd once liked Ashton for a reason, and now they could be good friends.

"Hey.. you okay?" Ashton asked softly.

"Yeah.. I.. well, Jade had to leave early today, I don't have theater practice, and.. yeah. I am not speaking to Harry right now. But it looks like I'm gonna have to.. unless you can spare me a ride?" He asked with a shy smile.

Ashton chuckled softly. "Uh.. well, I actually drive a motorcycle and I don't have a spare helmet.. plus, it's raining so I was going to try to wait it out some... it was so sunny this morning."

Louis laughed a little. He had no idea Ashton drove a motorcycle now. He used to have a little truck, Louis remembered.

"Hm. I guess I can text Harry," he huffed, feeling stubborn but he was surely not the type to walk in the rain and he didn't want to call a cab because it made him uncomfortable to ride alone.

"No, no. I'll call you a cabbie-"

"I don't take cabs alone," Louis said, biting his lip as he pulled his jacket tighter. It was chilly with the rain.

"Well, let's take it together. I'll ride to your home with you and the cabbie can bring me back. Maybe the rain will have slackened up," he said, already dialing the number.

Louis allowed it, taking a breath and staying quiet as they waiting for the cab. Finally, it arrived, and they slid into the back. What Louis didn't know, was that they got into the car together the same time Harry walked out of the building and saw them.


*Three hours earlier*

Harry was sitting in the office of his therapist, in the middle of the day, staring at the fish tank. It had been silent in the room for ten minutes, because Harry was just thinking. He didn't know what he wanted to say. He just knew that he felt particularly depressed today, after a week of silence with Louis. They were growing more and more apart. And it was Harry's fault.

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