17. The Storm

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Song for this chapter ~ Another Love by Tom Odell


{T.W.—this chapter displays acts of violence, aggression and suffering as well as s/a threats, crude language and depictions of blood. Please skip the scene or the whole chapter if that is something triggering or disturbing to you}

George's POV

As I mindlessly tapped my foot against the floor of the common room, Fred, who sat next to me on the sofa, shot a glare at me for the noise I was creating.

"Would you stop that? You've been doing that for nearly fifteen minutes now...it's getting bloody annoying," Fred spoke as I now stood up from the couch, pacing, and ignoring his remark as I anxiously waited on Calista.

"She's always here by now...why's she taking so long? What if something—"

"George, calm down will you? She probably decided on staying back there tonight."

"No, she would've told me if that was the case," I spoke with urgency in my voice, all while continuing to pace back and forth between the room. "It's taking her too long...I'm going to go get her," I said, now quickly making my way out of the common room before Fred could get in another word.

As it was now past students' curfews, the dark corridors stood quiet—the only sound that could be heard was the low whistling of the breeze coming through the windows. I continued peering down the halls, making sure that I didn't miss any that she could've taken to come down.

Nearing a new corner, I began to hear muttering coming from a distance. As the voices became clearer, I could see three figures standing around at the end of the hall, their faces now recognizable as they came out of the darkness.

    "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked with fury, as I was now face-to-face with none other than Pucey and his two sidekicks. Seeing as it was far past curfew, and the Slytherin dungeons were nowhere near here, their lurking was rather suspicious.

    "That's none of your fucking business is it, Weasley?" He questioned bitterly, my presence seeming rather untimely for him.

"You really don't know when to stop do you? You clearly haven't learnt your lesson after everything," I said, now approaching him up close with my fists clenched, ready to swing.

I stopped in my tracks however, my thoughts being brought to Cali, who I knew wouldn't want me doing this. Knowing this, I unclenched my fists, not wanting to waste another second on someone as pathetic as himself. As I stood there, my breathing heavier than ever, I shot him one last glare before turning around to walk away.

"After what you did to me today...in front of everyone...it's you who needs to pay," he spoke with an alarmingly calm voice as I began to walk away.

Taking no more than a few steps, a sudden force to my back made me fall forwards, the front of my head meeting the hard stone wall with such force, that my entire body collapsed onto the ground. As I lay on the ground, I reached for my face—a sharp, stinging pain reaching right between my eyes where my nasal bridge was.

"You know...you're not exactly who I was waiting on tonight, but I guess there are other means of letting out my frustration...for now anyways," he spoke, now looking down at me with a grin on his face.

As I continued to lay there with a warm sensation of blood beginning to trickle down my nose, I looked to the side of me where my wand rested, now reaching for it. As I grabbed a hold of it, Pucey's foot made immediate contact with my hand, stomping on it before a loud crunching noise emanated from the bones of my fingers as he continued to put pressure on them, a pained gasp escaping my lips.

Flames of Eternity // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now