Part 14:I'm Special

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Serenity's pov -

Here we here again for another assembly. If this continues then we'd be having one for everyday. Today I've decided to skip all my classes except the assembly. I need time to think with Inadu. I make it a mission to at least spent one day with her as my weekends are spent with family.

Alaric:"I have decided to create a council. One witch, vampire and werewolf to represent all the students of that fraction. However, Serenity Mikaelson is the first tribrid and runs unopposed. The fractions will vote"

Seren:"Finally he agreed. I must say, I'm quite surprised"

Lizzie:"I think I'll run"

Alaric was on his way to stop some tree lady with Dorian but Hope Mikaelson stopped him.

Hope:"Seriously, why can't I come with you?"

Alaric:"You need to see if Landon is supernatural so he can stay at school or not"

Hope:"Great, I'm running his 23 and me while you interrogate a nymph. Why can't Emma or Serenity do it?"

Alaric:"Emma is taking care of the school and Serenity will check up on you"

Hope:"Why do I need checking up on?"

Alaric:"I'm gonna be honest here. Serenity is my favorite person after my daughters. I trust her and that's why I elected her unopposed but she is needed by wolves and vampires. So just see if Landon is supernatural or not."

He climbed into his car and drove away. They didn't notice Rafael listening to their conversation. He wants his brother to stay so he must convince the council.

Rafael tried convincing everyone but they turned him down. It wasn't out of spite but out of fear. Fear of being hurt, hunted and taken away from the families. If a new student already caused this trouble then why should he stay. He did a last resort and fought Jed for alpha position and he won but Jed beat Landon. He knew he wasn't safe but lied about it.

The witch representative is Lizzie, vampire is Kaleb and werewolf is Rafael. Emma runs for the little children as their main teacher. She voted yes.

Emma:"We are supposed to help people and welcome them"

Kaleb:"If we let humans in, they'll hunt us down. I can't let him stay"

Rafael:"Landon is my brother, he has nowhere else to go and he isn't a threat. So yes"

Lizzie:"We are a school for supernatural students not humans. He can't stay, he has to go"

Serenity:"I consider this school my family and I can't let someone hurt my family. Since he came, there's been attacks and problems. He could get us killed. He has to leave. No"

Rafael was upset and left. Hope was at the bus stop saying goodbye to Landon and gave him a bracelet that lights up with the bearer is in trouble. Landon then left to find his birth movie and learn about his father.

Everyone learned about the knife and that it's one of 3 keys to a pit called malivore. It's where all the monsters are coming from but they have been erased from history. So only myths are lefts.

Serenity was sitting against a tree at night looking at the stars with Inadu. They talked about many things and stories from Inadu's past. Serenity showed Inadu modern technology and worldly things and in return she would tell her stories and things she learned over the years. They could talk about anything all night but went to their dorm to sleep. Tomorrow is a going to be a long day with the twins 16th birthday.

"You're staying the week"

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