Chapter 7

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Damien pov

Those eyes. Those ice blue eyes of hers. Every time I close my eyes I see her. I have been trying to find out who she is for the past six months and I always come up with nothing on the bar computer. It's like she doesn't exist.

My brothers gave up months ago but I just can't. I need to find who they are. Why they were after those few priceless pieces of jewelry. All these thoughts are playing on my head as I keep striking at the same punching bag.

School starts tomorrow and I really don't want to be stuck in a classroom fill of the same stuufy annoying students every year. Honestly I don't understand why I have to even go to school. I already know all the stuff they teach there. My mother made sure I had the best education when I was in the league of assassins learning everything at fast pace from high Allegra to linguistic of all sorts so me sitting in those classes is a big waste of time on my side. Of course I still have to go to horrid place called school that smells like gym sock in cafeteria because father says it helps keep my superheroe identity a secret if I look more like a normal kid. Which is understandable but I still hate it.

When I finished of with taking out most of my anger on the punching which probably had holes in it now because of the amount of force I used on it.

I went over to get changed into my Robin suit because I had patrol that was about to start in less than twenty five minutes.

Once I was onto the streets of Gotham I continued to jump on the roofs following along my normal patrol rout but I kept on getting this pull along the way. Like this string of energy calling to me. Welcoming me to follow it I couldn't understand it. It was like some kind of power calling me to seek it out. I was so lost in the feeling that I didn't even notice I had left my normal patrol route and had made my way deep into the outskirts of Gotham city.

I was about to cross over and leave the final bunch of buildings on the inside of Gotham but I was interrupted at the sound of Alfred vioce in my eye comlink.

Alfred: Master Damien, Are you there?

Damien: Yes Alfred, what is it?

Alfred: There appears to be a bank robbery in progress at Gotham national Bank and a few hostages are being held at gunpoint. Your father is already on his way and requests you to jion him alongside Master Grayson.

Damien: I am on my way.

With that being said the force of power that was calling to Damien had disappeared as if it knew he wouldn't be able to continue on its path. Letting the Robin bird fly of to the sound of gunshots in the middle of danger.

Meanwhile back at the miraculous manor a certain Kwarmi waited to be put in use the moment the miraculous powers call to the new holder again.

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