💌𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 18

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"I love you!!"

"You don't really mean it..!"


We continued to walk, me following behind him. We would make the occasional small talk as we made our way to the mysterious destination.
He soon lead me to a little area in the forest behind the presidential podium.

He soon lead me to a little area in the forest behind the presidential podium

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"aww.... Tubbo..." a smile crept onto my face at the sight

"So yeah..! I know it's not much but..." Tubbo trailed off

"Don't worry, it's lovely...!" I smiled

We went over and (metaphorically) sat down on the picnic blanket. Tubbo handing me a few stacks of apples and melons.

"Damn- okay. Didn't need to get this much food...!" I chuckled at the end

"We had a lot of it..! So I couldn't help but grab some for us.!" Tubbo replies

A smile appeared on my face, along with a slight tint of red. Though, I paid no mind to it and tried to continue enjoying my time with Tubbo.

We would talk about anything and everything, interests, hobbies, even events on the server I missed out on- like L'manberg's independence.

I knew I had a smile on the whole time while talking, and I assumed Tubbo did too.
I even ignored all the dono's and chats weird messages about how we were being too cute. I ended up getting about double the amount of viewers from when I first started, and to my knowledge, so did Tubbo.

_DriaGotLost_ donted $100!
"Tell Tubbo you love him and or I will expose you, lol"

I rolled my eyes slightly at Dria's dono, knowing she would expose me if I didn't do as she asked. Though it seemed like a joke to the chat, I knew what Dria had in mind, and so- I decided to do it. For content- but also for my heart to stop acting weird.

"Tubs..." I said

"H-hey...! What did I say about that nickname?" He responded

I chuckled "just allow me this once"

Silence filled in the call, I'm guessing he's waiting for my response.

"....I love you~" I purred in a tone that Hiria would usually do to me

I think I nailed it..?

My chat was going crazy, and Tubbo was just silent. From what I can see on my chat- or at least for half a second- Tubbo was hiding his face in embarrassment.

The Letters {Tubbo X Fem!Reader}Where stories live. Discover now