What? When? (Not edited)

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It felt like I had the worst hangover. I blinked with one eye and began to feel my surroundings.


We were at a ball, I found out that Stefan and Damon is….oh….. OH….I opened my eyes. I had my head on Damon’s chest. My hand over his waist. He held me tight around my waist and our feet was twisted in to each other. He had his chin on my head…. I was NEVER going to hear the end of this!

I groaned and tried to get away from his death grip around my waist. I had out twisted my feet and was trying to get him to let THE FUCK go. DAMN vampires for being so DAMN strong. I had almost gotten out when he pulled me even tighter to him.

“Don’t go” he demanded. “I’m going to freeze then” I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, but I’m not 150 years, so I can’t skip school” I said trying to remove his hands. DAMN STRONG STUPID ASS COCKY SHIT HEAD FROM PLUTO. HE DIDN’T LET ME GOOOOO!!!!  I looked at the clock. It was… middle of the day. I sat up. Shit I had missed school, but I really needed to get to work then. That was in an hour, so if I hurried I could make it.

“OK, this is what’s going to happen. I’m going to shower and when I’m coming out you are going to be gone. OK?” I said while kicking him in the foot. He groaned and sat up

“What’s the rush? I liked the position we were in” I rolled my eye at his comment and smirk. I jumped down at the floor and walked over to my underwear. What to pick? what to pick?

Jupp, black lacy bra and panties. I walked over to my closet and took out a blue top, black skinny jeans and my leather jacket. Where was my boots? OH, down stairs after kicking them of in the rush to get dress for the party!

I lay my closet on my bed. Damon was for shore going to look true them. I took of the vervain necklace and went in to the shower

I walked out after washing my hair, shaving and washing and washing and washing… I like to shower. Have a problem with it? I walked out in a towel around my body and hair and walked in to my room.

“You look hot wet” I heard Damon say.

 HE wasn’t gone. I groaned, I really, REALLY didn’t have time for this. I took my underwear and walked back in to the bathroom and put it on. I walked out and he looked me up and down. I rolled my eyes and had on my clothes. WHAT was WRONG with this guy?

I brushed my hair and looked in the mirror. It was one of those days my hair was flat on the one side and POOOOOOF on the other side. I began to work it up in to a ponytail and was pretty pleased when I saw the outcome. I did my makeup and put on the necklace. I walked over to my night stand and grabbed my phone and keys. I looked at Damon and saw that he looked at me. More like staring. CREAPY ALERT!!!!!

“Sooo…. Are you going to be here all day?” I asked him. He got up and began to walk to the window. What was up with this guy? He was like a moody spoiled brat on drugs.

“Hi, we have a door you know! And we always serve guest’s breakfast for those who have spent the night” I said after him. When he turned around he looked at me. I winked at him and he smirked.

“Come on. I’ll make you breakfast” I said while looking at the clock. Quarter to I have to leave. Yeah I can make…cereal. OH I’m sooooo smart.

I grabbed my bag and hurried down stairs. I took out some bowls and milk. WHERE DID THE CEREAL GO? There it was!

“To day you are going to get the best breakfast. EVER” I said while poring some milk over the cereal. I turned around and gave one to him. I found two spoons and gave one to him. I walked to the table and sat down deep in thoughts.

“You can eat? Right?” I asked when I saw him just looking at the bowl. He looked up and just nodded. I sighted.

“What is it?” I asked. He was acting weard. Weirder than normal and he is weary weird to normal.

“Oh nothing, just thinking” I scoffed. Yeah right. I eat up and put the bowl in the sink. He sat his at in to.

“YOU think? What’s wrong with the world?” I said smirking.

“Oh allot of things” He said smirking. I think he love to smirk. It’s like his undying hobby. I snickered.

“So, I’m going to work and… well try to come up with an excuse to Elena for not being at school” I said while smiling slightly at him.

“Yeah, see you later then” He said while taking my hand and kissed it. He was SO sweet.

NO, he was not sweet. He was a ugly mess. Jupp that he was. I walked over to my car and sat in. I drove to the grill and walked in with two minutes to spare. AWESOME!!!

I shifted and looked out. There stood Elena, Caroline, Bonnie and Stefan. SHIT. Stefan a vampire and my sister that is like a raging cat on a hypnose.

I walked over to Mark and asked where I was going to be to day.

“The tables and bar when needed.” I nodded and walked out to the table. I went to Elena first. Best to take the bull with the horn. I was in some deep shit I sighted. I looked at Stefan and he looked at my neck. I gulped. I was…trusting? Damon but I hadn’t really talked much to Stefan before.

“Why wasn’t you at school today” I heard Elena’s voice say. I looked from her to Stefan and back.

“I… overslept. I woke up an hour ago and had some problem with the…shower head.” I said, but the last part came out like a question. I’m sooo scrued.


“What do you want?”

“two coke and coffee to the rest”

“Ok, two cock and four coffee’s right away. Mom” I said in a mocking manner. Caroline laugh and I did the same. I walked over to the counter and got two glasses and four cups and filled them.

“Hi, can I get a bourbon?” I turned around. Damon.

“Day drunk” I teased while giving him a glass. He smirked and shrugged. I smiled and walked over to Elena with the drinks.

“Here you go people” I said smiling politely.

“What have you done to it? When you look like that you’re up to something”

“I’m not up to something” I said while looking at Tyler that just came in. “I have to talk to someone”

I walked over to him. I had to speak to him.  I sighted

“Hi, Tyler. Do you mind not telling anyone… about….you know….I just…eh… Just don’t tell anyone. OK?” I asked while looking at the floor.  He grabbed my chin and made me look up at him.

“I won’t tell and I’m really sorry for snapping at you. It just was a shock that… you know. I wish I hadn’t said it because I do really love you and I always do something like this every time something happens in your life and I’m sorry for that” He said while looking me in too the eyes. He hugged me and I hugged back.

“I’m sorry, but you know my temper. Always get the best of me” He said while stroking a tear away from my cheek

“Tyler. I’m sorry. I can’t do this. Every time something bad happens or I tell you something bad. You break up. I can’t have that anymore. I need someone to trust and Is there for me when things get rough. So WE are done. I can’t do this anymore. Sorry!” I said while walking away. He grabbed my arm and I punched him in the face.

“LEAV me the FUCK alone” I growled. He just stood there and stared at me.

Love story of a cocky vampireWhere stories live. Discover now